Introducing Veritas Due Diligence

Mashiat Mutmainnah
Blockchain at Berkeley
3 min readOct 31, 2017

We would like to introduce Veritas Due Diligence: a new ICO Due Diligence initiative that aims to provide independent, honest and comprehensive ICO Due Diligence Reports.

One of the recent phenomenons in business innovation and crowdfunding is the Initial Coin Offering (ICO). ICOs have emerged as a novel way for new companies in the blockchain space to raise funds, in which a company’s cryptographic tokens are sold to the public.

In just a short time, the market for ICOs has exploded. As of September 2017, initial coin offerings have already raised over $2 billion. Cumulatively in the period 2014–2016, ICOs have raised a whopping $295 million in total. These figures are a testament to the ease of raising capital with the ICO model and the magnitude of speculation in the crypto space.

Unlike traditional capital raising avenues such as IPOs or VC funding, ICOs are subject to much less regulatory oversight, and therefore, a given company can raise millions of dollars without having an independent, third party investigation into said company.

Although raising large sums have helped drive the development of decentralized platforms and draw public attention towards the crypto space, the large magnitude of speculative investment in the ICO market has lead to discrepancies in the quality of ICOs. Some ICOs are funding exceptional ideas, with a driven and qualified team. Some, however, are funding subpar ideas, with a passionate, but inexperienced team. Worst of all, some ICOs are scams. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish remarkable ideas from the abundance of subpar blockchain use cases.

We don’t think that that should be the case. At Veritas Due Diligence, we aim to uncover the truth and protect participants’ interests by acting as an independent watchdog for the ICO market. We will conduct due diligence on the latest upcoming ICOs, and assemble our findings into weekly reports for the public.

Our reports will include an investigation into the team launching the ICO, as well as a meticulous evaluation of their product, economic token model, technical protocol analysis and more. Veritas Due Diligence seeks to empower consumers to participate in token sales with confidence and security by providing honest, objective and thorough analysis, so that you can make informed decisions with a peace of mind. Join our mailing list right now at to get a free Due Diligence report and exclusive early access to our newest reports on the latest ICOs in the market! Also, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest ICO News and our findings!

