Crypto Earned Media: Top Ways to Use Earned Media to Promote Your Cryptocurrency

Discover effective strategies to leverage earned media for cryptocurrency promotion and boost brand visibility, trust, and engagement.

Blockchain — BAF
11 min readSep 26, 2024


Crypto Earned Media: Top Ways to Use Earned Media to Promote Your Cryptocurrency

Earned media has become a crucial element in promoting cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects. In an industry driven by community engagement and trust, earned media offers an organic way to build credibility, reach a broader audience, and strengthen your project’s reputation. Unlike paid promotions, earned media is the result of positive coverage from third parties, such as journalists, influencers, or satisfied users who share their experiences with your cryptocurrency.

Whether it’s press mentions, social media buzz, or community endorsements, earned media provides authentic exposure that resonates with potential investors and users. In a market saturated with paid ads and influencer promotions, earned media stands out as a more genuine form of communication. This guide explores the top ways you can utilize Crypto Earned Media to promote your cryptocurrency, from building strong media relationships to encouraging user-generated content. By leveraging these strategies, you can create a solid foundation of trust that will help drive long-term success for your project.

What is Earned Media in Crypto?

Earned media refers to the publicity your project receives through non-paid avenues such as media coverage, customer reviews, mentions on social media, or word-of-mouth recommendations. It’s the organic buzz that occurs when people start talking about your cryptocurrency due to the value it offers, rather than because of paid promotion.

In the crypto world, earned media can take various forms:

  • Press coverage on major crypto news outlets
  • Social media mentions and community discussions
  • Blog posts or guest articles by crypto enthusiasts or influencers
  • Interviews with your project’s team members on podcasts or webinars
  • Video reviews from crypto YouTubers or streamers

The key benefit of earned media is its authenticity. When someone talks about your cryptocurrency in a positive light without being paid to do so, it builds trust. People tend to value earned media more because it reflects real-world experiences rather than carefully crafted marketing campaigns.

Types of Crypto Earned Media

Crypto earned media comes in various forms, offering organic exposure and credibility to cryptocurrency projects. Here are the key forms of earned media in the crypto space:

1. Press Coverage in Crypto News Outlets

  • Articles and Features: Mainstream crypto publications like CoinTelegraph, Coindesk, Decrypt, and others often publish articles about trending cryptocurrencies, projects, and industry developments. Securing press coverage can significantly boost your project’s visibility.
  • Announcements: News stories about major project developments like partnerships, new listings, or product launches help position your cryptocurrency in front of a broad audience.
  • Interviews: Top executives and developers can get featured in interviews that share insights about their projects, highlighting their expertise and unique offerings.

2. Social Media Mentions and Discussions

  • Twitter: Positive mentions, retweets, and discussions about your cryptocurrency on Twitter can generate significant earned media. Crypto Twitter is a major hub for conversations about trends, price movements, and project developments.
  • Reddit: Communities like r/cryptocurrency and r/Bitcoin often feature discussions, reviews, or debates about various crypto projects. A positive thread or comment can result in a surge of attention for your project.
  • Telegram and Discord: Organic conversations in crypto community groups, where users talk about your project without paid promotion, can create a ripple effect of earned media.

3. User-Generated Content

  • Reviews and Testimonials: Genuine reviews from users, whether on social media, blogs, or forums, can serve as powerful earned media. These reviews showcase real-world experiences with your cryptocurrency, building trust with new users.
  • Social Media Posts: Users sharing their personal experiences or success stories related to your cryptocurrency on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok are valuable earned media sources.
  • Community Advocacy: Enthusiastic members of your community may promote your project through word-of-mouth, creating discussions, or even launching fan-led initiatives like forums or unofficial social media accounts.

4. Blog Posts and Guest Articles

  • Independent Bloggers: Crypto bloggers may write independent reviews or deep-dives into your cryptocurrency project if it aligns with their interests. These posts can drive organic traffic and engagement, offering credibility to your project.
  • Guest Contributions: Publishing thought leadership pieces as guest posts on respected crypto blogs helps establish your team as experts in the field. This positions your project as credible and worth paying attention to.

5. Influencer and Expert Endorsements

  • Unpaid Influencer Reviews: When influencers or YouTubers create content about your cryptocurrency without a paid partnership, it counts as earned media. Their organic mention or review signals to their audience that your project is worth their attention.
  • Podcasts and Webinars: Experts in the crypto industry who mention your project in podcasts or webinars provide valuable earned media exposure.

6. Community Forums and Online Discussions

  • Bitcointalk and Other Forums: Forums like and other cryptocurrency-specific communities often feature discussions or project reviews initiated by users. When participants talk positively about your project, it boosts your visibility organically.
  • StackExchange and Quora: Communities where users ask technical questions or seek information about cryptocurrencies can also generate earned media. When users recommend your project in their answers, it adds credibility.

7. Organic SEO and Backlinks

  • High-Quality Backlinks: When respected websites link to your project’s website or content, it increases your credibility and drives traffic. These backlinks also contribute to better SEO rankings, allowing your project to show up more frequently in organic search results.
  • Mentions in Industry Roundups: Sometimes your project might get mentioned in an industry roundup or “best of” list, which serves as powerful earned media.

8. Word of Mouth and Referrals

  • Personal Recommendations: In the crypto space, word-of-mouth recommendations from respected community members or investors can lead to more interest and legitimacy for your project.
  • Referral Programs: Offering referral incentives for existing users to share and promote your cryptocurrency can lead to organic promotion, ultimately creating earned media.

9. Unsolicited Coverage on Competitor or Industry Blogs

  • Comparison Posts: Some blogs may write comparison posts between your cryptocurrency and others, which can lead to unsolicited earned media if your project is highlighted favorably.
  • Analysis and Forecasts: Analysts may review your project, its tokenomics, or its future potential in blogs or podcasts, often providing an in-depth, unpaid critique that serves as earned media.

10. Viral Social Media Trends

  • Meme Culture: Sometimes, your cryptocurrency may catch on in crypto meme culture, resulting in widespread organic attention. Meme tokens like Dogecoin benefited enormously from viral earned media through memes and community-driven discussions.
  • Challenges or Campaigns: A social media challenge or user-generated content campaign can quickly snowball into earned media if enough participants take part.

The Importance of Earned Media for Cryptocurrency Projects

  1. Trust Building: Trust is the most important currency in the crypto space. With numerous scams and fraudulent projects, earned media helps to build legitimacy. Positive press mentions or social endorsements indicate that your project is credible and worth considering.
  2. Organic Reach: Unlike paid media, earned media can potentially go viral. A single mention on a top crypto news site or an influencer’s blog can lead to more attention, resulting in an organic snowball effect. Since the mention is authentic, it can drive more engagement and conversion.
  3. Cost-Effective: While building relationships with media outlets or influencers may require effort and time, earned media doesn’t require direct financial investment, making it a cost-effective way to promote your cryptocurrency.
  4. SEO Benefits: When your project is mentioned in authoritative articles or gets coverage on reputable websites, it boosts your search engine rankings. Search engines like Google rank content based on credibility and backlinks, so earned media helps in improving your crypto project’s online visibility.
  5. Community Engagement: Earned media often comes from real conversations within communities. When your cryptocurrency is positively discussed in community forums or social media, it signals that people are actively engaging with your project.

Top Ways to Use Earned Media for Promoting Cryptocurrency

1. Leverage Press Coverage for Credibility and Awareness

Press coverage is one of the most powerful forms of earned media for cryptocurrency promotion, offering credibility and a broad audience reach.

  • Get Featured in Financial News Outlets: Partnering with established financial media like Forbes, CoinDesk, or Bloomberg gives your cryptocurrency project instant credibility.
  • Submit Press Releases to Crypto News Platforms: Distributing newsworthy press releases through dedicated crypto media platforms can generate buzz around your project.
  • Develop Strong Relationships with Journalists: Build and nurture relationships with industry journalists to increase the likelihood of being mentioned in future articles.
  • Use Data-Driven Reports: Create reports or surveys related to the crypto industry and share them with reporters. Data-driven insights can attract media attention.
  • Capitalize on Trending Topics: Tie your cryptocurrency project to trending industry news for higher chances of getting noticed by journalists.

2. Tap into Influencer Endorsements and Organic Social Mentions

Influencers can serve as a bridge between your crypto brand and potential users, especially when their mentions happen organically.

  • Collaborate with Crypto Influencers: Work with influencers who have a genuine interest in blockchain technology. Their audience is more likely to trust their recommendations.
  • Earn Organic Mentions: Instead of paying for every mention, provide influencers with a compelling story or offering so they talk about your project voluntarily.
  • Participate in Twitter Discussions: Crypto Twitter is highly active. Engage in relevant conversations to organically spark interest and mentions.
  • Offer Exclusive Access or Early Beta: Give influencers access to your cryptocurrency project before the public launch to encourage them to share their experience naturally.
  • Encourage User-Generated Content: Highlight real users or influencers who have organically shared their positive experiences with your crypto product.

3. Optimize SEO to Capture Media Attention and Backlinks

Earned backlinks from credible sources boost SEO, which in turn amplifies the visibility of your cryptocurrency project.

  • Write Guest Posts on Authority Websites: Contributing content to leading blockchain and finance websites helps establish authority and create backlinks to your crypto project.
  • Conduct Expert Roundups: Reach out to industry experts and compile their insights into an article. Experts are likely to share the piece, boosting visibility.
  • Offer Thought Leadership Pieces: Write insightful thought leadership articles on cryptocurrency trends or innovations to earn backlinks from media outlets.
  • Optimize Content for Long-Tail Keywords: When you rank well for specific, niche search terms, media outlets may pick up your content for reference.
  • Use PR and SEO Synergy: When promoting through PR, ensure the content includes relevant links and keywords that improve your project’s SEO.

4. Engage in Public Speaking and Panels to Build Authority

Speaking engagements and panel participation allow you to showcase your expertise in the cryptocurrency field while earning media coverage.

  • Speak at Industry Conferences: Presenting at top crypto or blockchain conferences can lead to media coverage and raise your project’s visibility.
  • Join Webinars and Podcasts: Many crypto-related podcasts and webinars attract dedicated audiences. Appearances can lead to organic media mentions.
  • Participate in Expert Panels: Engage in panels at industry events where media coverage is common, positioning you as a thought leader.
  • Offer Insight on Emerging Trends: Share your thoughts on the future of blockchain or cryptocurrency, which often interests media outlets looking for expert opinions.
  • Host AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions: Participate in or host AMA sessions on Reddit, YouTube, or other platforms, which may be picked up by media outlets.

5. Harness the Power of Online Forums and Communities

Crypto enthusiasts frequently visit online forums and communities to discuss trends, making these platforms valuable for earned media opportunities.

  • Engage on Reddit: Reddit has vibrant cryptocurrency communities. Active participation in discussions can lead to media coverage of your project.
  • Answer Questions on Quora: Providing valuable insights on Quora threads related to cryptocurrency can boost your project’s visibility and trustworthiness.
  • Foster Discussions in Telegram Groups: Many crypto investors use Telegram for industry discussions. Be active and offer expert insights to gain organic attention.
  • Utilize Discord for Community-Building: Participate in crypto-related Discord servers to share knowledge and promote your cryptocurrency.
  • Promote User Reviews and Feedback: Positive feedback or reviews from users on these forums can act as organic promotion, often catching the attention of media outlets.

6. Capitalize on Awards and Accolades for Publicity

Winning industry awards can help your cryptocurrency project stand out and earn recognition, often leading to earned media coverage.

  • Enter Blockchain and Crypto Awards Competitions: Submit your cryptocurrency project to various awards programs to gain recognition from trusted industry organizations.
  • Highlight Awards in Press Releases: Share news of any accolades your project wins through press releases to attract media attention.
  • Get Listed on Top Cryptocurrency Platforms: Being featured as a “Top Cryptocurrency” on review sites or media platforms can earn valuable exposure.
  • Promote Industry Recognitions on Social Media: Awards and accolades can generate buzz when promoted across your social media channels, encouraging organic shares.
  • Leverage Media Coverage of Award Ceremonies: Many media outlets cover industry awards, so participation can automatically lead to mentions in articles and features.

7. Utilize Case Studies and Success Stories to Build Trust

Showcasing real-world case studies and success stories offers tangible proof of your cryptocurrency’s value, often earning attention from media outlets.

  • Share Customer Success Stories: Highlight real-world use cases of customers successfully using your cryptocurrency for their needs.
  • Create Engaging Case Study Content: Well-crafted case studies that highlight problem-solving scenarios can attract organic media attention.
  • Promote Use Cases in Industry Blogs: Share unique use cases of your cryptocurrency with industry blogs, which can attract earned mentions.
  • Incorporate Case Studies in Thought Leadership Articles: When writing thought leadership content, use case studies to support your claims, which increases the chance of being quoted or referenced by other media.
  • Highlight Business Partnerships: Showcase partnerships with other businesses or blockchain projects to build credibility and attract media attention.

By strategically using earned media through these methods, cryptocurrency projects can gain authentic exposure and build trust in the highly competitive crypto landscape.


In a fast-paced and ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape, earned media is a valuable tool that can help projects cut through the noise. Unlike traditional marketing efforts, which can often come across as inauthentic, crypto earned media allows your cryptocurrency project to be showcased by trusted third parties. This form of exposure can significantly boost brand trust, encourage organic growth, and create lasting connections with your target audience.

However, earned media isn’t something you can buy or control directly. It requires consistent effort, relationship building, and delivering value to your audience. The key to leveraging earned media lies in creating an environment where your community and the media are excited to talk about your project. From fostering positive user experiences to collaborating with industry influencers, there are numerous ways to build the momentum needed for earned media success. By focusing on these strategies, your cryptocurrency can gain the recognition and credibility needed to thrive in a competitive market.


1. What is earned media in cryptocurrency marketing?
Earned media in cryptocurrency marketing refers to organic, unpaid publicity your project gains through third-party mentions, reviews, social media discussions, or news articles. It is a form of exposure that you earn through efforts like public relations, media outreach, or user-generated content.

2. Why is earned media important for promoting cryptocurrencies?
Earned media is important because it builds credibility and trust in your cryptocurrency project. Since it comes from unbiased sources, such as journalists or users, it adds authenticity and attracts potential investors or users who may be skeptical of paid promotions.

3. How can I generate earned media for my crypto project?
To generate earned media, you can focus on building strong relationships with journalists and influencers, encouraging user reviews and testimonials, hosting events, and creating valuable content that your community and media outlets will want to share.

4. What are some examples of earned media in the crypto space?
Examples of earned media in the crypto space include being mentioned in industry news articles, featured in cryptocurrency podcasts, receiving positive reviews on social media platforms, or gaining recognition in crypto community forums like Reddit.

5. How does earned media differ from paid and owned media in crypto marketing?
Earned media is unpaid and comes from third-party endorsements, while paid media refers to advertisements you pay for, such as sponsored content or influencer promotions. Owned media includes the content you create and control, like your website, blog, and social media channels. Earned media holds the highest trust because it is unbiased and organically achieved.



Blockchain — BAF

Passionate wordsmith fascinated by Layer 2 Ethereum and blockchain tech. Eager to contribute to innovation and adoption in the evolving world of DeFi.