Bitcoin vs Money

William Brucee
Blockchain Biz
Published in
6 min readOct 18, 2022
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The U.S. dollar is an illusion, profoundly accepted.

One believes that bitcoin is a delusion and a global hallucination. It’s nothing more than imaginary numbers, Bitcoin is only supported by the foolish people who purchase it and the even more foolish people who buy it from these lesser stupids. Do you understand? All right. This is all authentic.

The fact that U.S. dollars are also an illusion can be more difficult to understand. They are mostly composed of numbers in cyberspace as well. Sometimes they are kept in paper or coins, but even though the paper and coins are physical objects, The only thing that supports the value of US dollars is the faith of the idiots who take them as money and the other fools who agree to accept them as payment. The biggest distinction is that for the instant at least, the hallucination, in the scenario of dollars, is much more broadly and more fiercely assumed.

In reality, almost all of our U.S. dollars, or around 90%, are totally abstract and have no physical counterparts. Only around 10% of the U.S. money supply, or about $1 trillion of the about $10 trillion total, is in the form of paper money and coins, according to James Surowiecki’s 2012 research. (Around $1.5 trillion out of $13.7 trillion currently looks to be the amount.) Nothing stops the financial establishment in our country from printing additional money whenever the urge strikes. In other words, since 1959, $13.5 trillion of the $13.7 trillion in the (M2) cash-on-hand reserve as of October 2017 has been issued. This means that M2 has increased by over 50 times.

A “fiat” currency is what is referred to as the US dollar. Fiat is Latin meaning “let there be,” as in “let there be light” and “let there be lire, bolivars, dollars, and rubles” (fiat denarii). In the past, it has been almost impossible for nation-state leaders to resist the desire to create money. The inflation that has occurred as a direct consequence of this rapacity has reduced $1’s buying power to just under 12 cents today.

In order to rectify this historical issue, the bitcoin blockchain was developed. Around the year 2140, when the system produces its 21 millionth bitcoin, it will stop producing additional.

Charlatans and thieves will always try to manipulate the different systems set up to manage and/or account for any monetary system. in fact, Every store of value is a potential target. fortunes can be created and lost through any kind of exchange, whether done honestly or dishonestly.

Cryptocurrencies and American dollars differ from one other in a few significant ways. For instance, the transactions created in the bitcoin network are stored in an unfalsifiable ledger that doesn’t rely on the administration of governments or banks but rather on the capability of a widespread computer network that anybody is free to join (theoretically, at least). Again, the total number of bitcoins in circulation is limited.

money itself is a vast delusion and illusion. Even if you put a lot of effort into creating, depositing, and growing it, its only true value is as a symbol. Which is undoubtedly amazing, regarded from a specific view.

All that matters is our common understanding of the worth of that green-tinted sheet of paper, that Krugerrand, that ether token, or that pound coin. Furthermore, that common understanding is always changing and has no universally accepted definition. Even in the face of all attempts to safeguard it, such as by establishing a standard exchange rate against a variety of assets, or controlling its flow by setting interest rates.

The typical criticisms of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and the blockchain technology that supports them consistently ignore the truth, which is that fiat money is temporary and fragile. Anyone who believes that money is real, stable, or “supported by” anything other than people’s confidence in institutions whose stability is always uncertain cannot comprehend cryptocurrencies even the slightest amount. The full faith and credit of the United States are “backed” by the dollar. But what does this really mean?

In other words, if you bring a $1 to the US Treasury and request them to redeem it, they will: Give you…a dollar. Or, if you want, four quarters.

The unpleasant reality is that there have already been a number of swings in the crypto markets due to monetary crises in unstable countries like Venezuela, Greece, and Spain. The price of bitcoin increased when the Cypriot government attempted to resolve the nation’s banking crisis in 2013 by subjecting citizens’ bank deposits to a nearly 7 percent haircut. This is likely because many southern Europeans who had euros with debt-ridden governments at the time likely believed that bitcoin might represent a more reliable and consistent home for their money than the Cypriot banks could offer.

Our present financial systems are severely broken and perpetually prone to corruption, and this is the case long before the unknown developer of bitcoin even had an idea. In the so-called genesis block that started the Bitcoin network, Satoshi Nakamoto made a point of expressing it clearly: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” Bitcoin was indeed an ideologically motivated project beginning with a new system clearly constructed to offer tamperproof digital means of exchange on which a good option to our current banking systems might be based.

The concept behind all cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, is that the records created by a distributed computer network can be made tamper-resistant, so theoretically ensuring the soundness of a currency more effectively than governments. And despite some significant obstacles, the blockchain technology upon which bitcoin is constructed has proven this idea at least in part. Since 2009, at least one million bitcoins have been stolen, yet the distributed ledger, the accounting system on which bitcoin is constructed, has remained stable and incorruptible.

The many thefts and scams that happened in the early days of bitcoin remind me of The Treasure of Sierra Madre, a 1920s thriller about greed and corruption. Unquestionably, the idea of sudden riches that is nearly close enough to touch may drive some nuts. Notably, the direction of greed to promote corruption and madness did not lead the value of gold to collapse.

As a separate concern, early cryptocurrency speculators faced the danger of being scammed because of the challenges in (1) generating secure storage and (2) developing secure means for transferring fiat cash into and out of cryptocurrency. Due to tragedies such as the 2014 loss of about 800,000 bitcoins from the Mt. Gox exchange, the whole cryptocurrency ecosystem received a negative reputation. The public believed that bitcoin itself had been hacked when in reality the biggest exchange was compromised. Similar to how the central bank of Bangladesh lost $63 million from its account at the New York Federal Reserve Bank last year.

Declaring “bitcoin is a scam” because bad actors have deceived individuals, is like saying “the financial services industry is a fraud” because Jamie Dimon’s firm is corrupt. Bitcoin was used to purchase and sell narcotics on the dark web! Well…the majority of one hundred banknotes contain traces of cocaine, so if you oppose to one hundred dollar bills on that basis, please bring me your excess. Would the fact that it is utilized in crime money transfers delegitimize cash? No. The truth is that money is tainted in its very essence.

As a result of its unfathomable worth, the blockchain system is now used to ensure bitcoin transactions will soon morph and meld with other systems. Enormous quantities of money, time, and effort have already been committed by investors from Wall Street to Sand Hill Road in blockchain-based firms. All around individuals need to understand for sure whether or not something truly happened, blockchain technology can really be scheduled to start giving us incorruptible information about it. Whatever the faults in the framework Satoshi Nakamoto created in 2009 — and they are still profound — he demonstrated that there really is a way for individuals to generate foolproof, secured records of human transactions, completely without dependence on outside local authorities such as banks or governments.

The battle for consistency in any currency is always on the pathway of being lost, so anywhere there is a possibility to game or forge a transaction, human behavior is such that some will attempt to cheat. Even the limited and precarious consistency we have in advanced nations needs awareness and work on the part of endless intelligent individuals, and there’s never assurance. The fight to maintain the fantasy that money is real will not be over, and it never can be.

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William Brucee
Blockchain Biz

Teacher | Frankfurt School Blockchain Center | Investor | Blockchain | Bitcoin | Crypto Assets | DeFi | Digital Euro