Crypto trends for 2023

Crypto researcher
Blockchain Biz
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2023

Perhaps, most of us have already moved away from the New Year’s atmosphere and gradually started to adjust to the working rhythm. The previous year was difficult and exhausting, but this only means that now it is time to restart and plan your actions in the crypto industry.

In order to create such a working plan for myself, I summed up the results of the previous year and, having read the forecasts for 2023 from funds and reputable crypto influencers, summarized these materials in my list of “crypto trends”.

I want to move a little away from the clickbait title and emphasize that this is not financial advice. I can only advise you to make your own personal list (based on your deposit, knowledge, skills and time) so that you do not spray on all new projects, but stick to your strategy. To make mine, I thought, what are my priority projects for the next year? Based on the list of projects, I was able to divide them into groups.


After the FTX crash, some people lost faith in crypto in general, but most still just lost the last drop of faith in centralized exchanges. Now users keep even “hot assets” on wallets, bypassing CEX. The demand for such a product will only grow, so more and more of them will appear. For myself, I chose this category of projects both for asset diversification and speculative purposes (who else is waiting for a token from Metamask?)


This point is directly related to the first one. After FTX, there was a lot of fad about Binance, so all users want to hope for DEXes, where you don’t seem to transfer your assets to the wallet of some dubious person, but… DYOR before any interaction with any product (especially the one where you need to connect a wallet).


Today, a fairly large number of opportunities in crypto are available only with verification. Therefore, I will pay attention to SOULBOND tokens. They will act like Binance BAB: you mint a token on your wallet with encrypted information about you, but no one (except Binance in this case) knows what specific information is encrypted there. These tokens are not transferable, so other applications use them on the zk (zero-knowledge) principle. There are no speculative ideas about these tokens yet, but I think that projects that will offer something like this can be quite popular.

Everything related to ETH

After The Merge, many people looked at ETH in a different way: with the growth of activity in the network, its model will become deflationary, and therefore we can safely expect to-the-moon. And since there are more and more solutions for Ethereum scalability, we can safely assume that they will also have a successful future. That’s why I personally am gaining ETH and looking at various L2 projects.

Social tokens

Crypto should be brought to the general public, or rather the idea that it is a convenient way to calculate and preserve the value of your assets. But imagine that a person who has never heard of Bitcoin and the like in his life is trying to register on the exchange, deposit funds, create a wallet to pay for the purchase of a coffee machine — it’s hard for a beginner. That’s why things like Axie Infinity or StepN are popular: you play a game and walk in the forest, and at this time tokens fall on your account — that’s all, you don’t need to know anything about the blockchain. Therefore, I always look closely at the GameFi sphere — maybe there is a new trend somewhere that will bring tens of millions of people to crypto?

This is the list of trends for 2023, according to which I created a work plan. Share your thoughts in the comments.



Crypto researcher
Blockchain Biz

In love with DeFi. I’m talking about crypto and life. I love what I do.