Ultimate Guide for Hosting Twitter Spaces like a “pro”. Hardware & software tools.

Host Twitter Spaces like a professional. Be a successful host by doing what the most successful hosts do; in this article, you will find ALL the tools they have in common. If you’re looking to level up your hosting space, these are the tools you will need to rock on the space. Congratulations, this article is for you.

Blockchain Biz
14 min readJan 22, 2023


Host Twitter Spaces like a professional.

Web3 people are on Twitter, and Web3 is all about communities and collective intelligence. If you are already on Twitter and want to grow and turn your audience into a community, then use Twitter Spaces. Twitter is the backbone of your web3 marketing strategy, and Twitter Spaces have to be in your top list priorities for your growth strategy.

In this article:

1. Who is this article for.

2. Why this article is essential for you to read.

3. When was the first Twitter space created?

4. Twitter Spaces are key in your growth web3 strategy.

5. How to Twitter Spaces.

6. Twitter Spaces Set up hardware/ devices. Setp by step.

. Microphones.

. SoundBorad.

. Headphones.

. Cords.

. Setting the devices up, step by step.

. Playing music on the space.

. Sound effects.

7. Twitter Spaces 8 main software/ tools.

1. Notion.

2. Spacesdashboard.com

3. Flowjin.com


5. Veed.io

6. Zealous.one.

7. Convertio.

8. parrot.ai

8. Twitter Spaces from desktop.

9. My Best Twitter Spaces, and the ones I have been as Co-host or Speaker.

10. Endnote.

11. Thank you to ALL my sources.

1. Who is this article for.

This article is for anyone on Web3 that wants to learn about how to grow their Web3 project or their Web3 personal brand on twitter spaces, as well as for those that have zero knowledge of Twitter Spaces and want to learn how to set them up and why TS is key for them, and finally for those that have experience running Twitter Spaces and want to take a LEVEL UP their spaces by having the right tools to become a professional, just by having the tool that the most successful hots have.

2. Why this article is essential for you to read.

If you are wondering where the vast majority of Web3 people are, well, the answer is easy: Twitter. People from the web 3 space are currently using Twitter instead of LinkedIn, therefore you have to do marketing where your audience is, so that again, Twitter.

And not only do you need to have a Twitter account and post relevant content to Web3 people, you also need to engage better and stronger, which is now possible with Twitter spaces.

From my own experience, since I have been on Twitter Spaces (TS), I have gained more than a thousand followers on my Twitter account, so based on that and following the “good” professional ones, here is all that you need to set up and get better at hosting Twitter Spaces.

At the end of this article, I will share all the TS that I have joined as a co-host or speaker. Also, I want to THANK all my sources; without them, this article wouldn’t have been possible to write.

E.Clipse, a well known community builder spoken person on Twitter, says

Who know how to turn a strong audience into a thriving community will enjoy explosive growth.

Twitter Spaces are the fastest way to magnify your voice on Twitter, Whether you have 2 followers or 20,000, sharing a great idea on a good space can change lives.

3. When was the first Twitter space created?

Twitter Spaces was first released in beta for a select group of iOS users in November 2020. In December 2020, the feature was opened up to a wider group of iOS users and in February 2021, it was released in beta for Android users. It was fully released to all iOS and Android users on April 2021. The first Twitter Spaces were likely created by influential individuals and brands as soon as the feature became available to them.

4. Twitter Spaces are key in your growth web3 strategy.

Twitter Spaces despite being a recent feature on Twitter, were born only 9 months ago, allows users to create and join live audio rooms. In the decentralized technology or web3 space, Twitter Spaces are key for marketing strategy, because not only work in the acquisition new audience side, it also on the activation to them into community members. Isn’t like a great action for your web3 marketing project or personal brand?

The main benefits:

First, it allows decentralized companies, projects and web3 people working their personal brand to connect directly with their audience and discuss their products, services or vision in real-time. This can be very useful for building trust and credibility with the audience.

Secondly, Twitter Spaces live audio rooms can also be used for live events such as conferences, product launches, and panel discussions. This can be an effective way to generate interest and attract new potential members for your project.

Thirdly, Twitter Spaces can also be used to create exclusive, valuable content for their audience, which can help increase audience loyalty and the organic reach of their content.

Fourthly, Twitter Spaces allows decentralized companies and projects to interact with their community in a more personal and direct way, which helps to foster participation and engagement from the audience.

In summary, Twitter Spaces is a key tool in web3 marketing due to its ability to connect directly with the audience, generate interest, create exclusive content, and foster participation and engagement from the audience.

5. How to Twitter Spaces.

Before we go into “how to create” a Twitter Space, I would like to share with you two things:

1/ A whole Twitter Space by the GrateFul Show on how to start & get better at hosting Twitter Spaces. If you can listen this 2 hrs and 30 minutes Twitter space and also you read this article, you will here have full information about how to start, set and become a successful host by using same tools than the most successful and professional hosts use.

Grateful show num 84 on How to start Hosting TS

2/ The 4 roles roles in a TS;

1. Host, is the space creator, this is the user who starts the audio chat room, and can control who can speak, mute, or kick out participants. They can also invite other users to speak or join the space.

2. Co-host, on the other hand, is a person who is assigned by the host to assist with the moderation of the space. Co-hosts have the ability to mute or kick out participants and can also invite other users to speak or join the space. They help the host to keep the conversation organized and civil. The co-hosts also can help the host in scheduling or ending the space if the host is unavailable.

3. Speaker. These are users who have been invited by the Space Creator to speak in the room. They can share their thoughts, ideas, and information with other participants.

4. Listeners. These are users who join the space and can listen to the speakers and contribute to the conversation by sending text messages or emojis.

In a Twitter Space, a listener can request to join as a speaker by using the “Request to Speak” feature. This feature allows listeners to raise their hand and indicate to the host that they would like to speak. Once the host sees the request, they can approve it and allow the listener to join as a speaker.

Here are the steps a listener can take to request to speak in a Twitter Space:

. Open the Twitter Space you want to join as a speaker.

. Click on the “Request to Speak” button, which is located at the bottom of the screen.

. Wait for the host to approve your request. Once approved, you will be able to speak in the space.

It’s important to note that the host has the final say in who can speak in the space and may choose not to approve a request to speak. Also, the host can set the “Request to Speak” feature as off, if that’s the case, the listener won’t be able to request to speak.

Here, Twitter itself has a full guide on how to set up and run Twitter spaces;

Twitter Twitter Spaces full guide

nevertheless, by the time I read this guide for myself, although some of my questions were answered in the final FAQs, I eventually needed to go to a video explanation as I could not get a clear picture of some instructions. Therefore, I will also share this video tutorial with you, saving you the time of doing the research yourself, as it is quite a brand new feature on Twitter and it is evolving fast with new updates, this tutorial video is only 2 months old, so it is quite updated.

6. Twitter Spaces Set up hardware/ devices.

The content of this section has been created thanks to the content shared by @emileevewe and @GreatfulApe twitter accounts, also one of the most successful host like @ryancarson and @allnick.

@emileevewe @GreatfulApe @ryancarson @allnick.

what do the most successful hosts like have in common? the answer is just one thing, their Audio.

But if you are a beginner, and want to start with an “alpha” mode, this is the Audio alpha if you are starting with TS. Superior sound that the one you will have with the wireless AirPods option, and on top of that are cheaper 19 euros.

Earpods for TS begginers recommendation by @GreatfulApe

But if you’re looking to really LEVEL UP your hosting space, these are the devices you will definitely need to rock:

. Microphones

@Emileevee uses Shure MV7, but this will be overkill for you if you aren’t planning on using it for podcasts (or aren’t obsessed with sound quality or are an audiophile) The Rode Podmic is an awesome option and will be around half the price.

Shure MV7 255€ aprox.

Shure MV7 Microphone for hosting Twitter Spaces like a pro.

The Rode Podmic 155€ aprox.

The Rode Podmic MV7 Microphone for hosting Twitter Spaces like a pro

If you have doubts about which one will suits you better, sharing with you this incredible awesome comparison video by Podcastage.

Shure MV7 vs The Rode Podmic comparison video by Podcastage

. SoundBorad.

Rode RODECaster Pro I, related to RODECaster Pro II, for spaces, it works with bluetooh and usbc.

The soundboard is crucial to mix your audio and hook up your mic, computer, record, add music etc.

Rodecaster+pro 559€ aprox

Rodecaster+pro I SoundBoard for Twitter Spaces, please not II this one does not work for TS.

. Headphones.

Wired over-ear headphones are helpful for monitoring your levels. Despite any wired headphones work, @emileevee recommend us the Shure SRH440A, they are comfortable and pretty basic but good for what you get.

Shure SRH440A Over-Ear Wired Headphones 99$ aprox

Shure SRH440A Over-Ear Wired Headphones for Twitter Spaces like a pro

. Cords

The Micro USB to USB-C and 1 Micro USB to USB-A cords should be included with your mic and rode caster.

XLR Male to Female Mic Cable $11

Pole Male to Male AUX Cord $8

Lightning to 3.5 mm Adapter (iPhone only) $8

. Setting the devices up, setp by step.

Once we have all of these devices, the next steps are:

Step1. Set up your Rodecaster. Do not panic, as you have this video step by set up how to set up the the Rodecaster.

Setp 2. The next step will be pluggin your microphone using the XLR cable.

Setp 3. Plug your phone Plug in your phone using the Aux cable (look for the “phone” logo)

Roadcaster setting up

As @emileevee warns us, make sure channel 1 is turned up and the green solo button ( “ear” logo) is lit up for any channels you want to monitor. This is @emileevee’s set up:

If you don’t have the solo button clicked on any of your channels, you won’t be able to hear whether things are playing or not in your headphones.

I usually have channel 1, the usb computer channel, the phone channel (so I can hear the space) and sound effects all clicked on.

. Playing music on the space.

Related to playing music on the Space, you will need a 4-pole aux mic to make this work. The 4-pole aux will make it so when you play sound effects or songs from your computer it will play on the space. Using a regular aux cord doesn’t work.

You can use the fader to fade in and out but note you must be unmuted on the space for the music to play. The nice thing is that you can mute your mic so only the music is playing and the quality sounds incredible and is SUCH a nice touch when introing/ending your space.

E.g. like Grateful Ape does in his Grateful Show #100: Community Celebration” ( this one from yesterday)

TS with music by Grateful Ape

see how different is sounds this one num 100 show vs num 84 show, that I posted in the begging of this article, sounds matters a lot!.

. Sound effects.

For sound effects, you’ll see the rainbow buttons, on the right of your board:

Buttons sound effects

You can use the rodecaster app to customize these buttons with different mp3 files.

In summary, there are plenty of products/gear that you can buy to up your audio game on spaces, but I wanted to share @emileevee setup that she published on Twitter, and similar setups to some of hers favorite too.

7. Twitter Spaces 8 main software/ tools.

Many tools exist to get better at Spaces, here Sharing with you the top 6 tools that the GreatFul Show team use when they hosting to make things easier and more professional.

This information was shared in a thread by by @beast_eth, Greatful show co-host.

  1. Notion

Notion is a great tool to be always organized. You can easily plan your content, make notes and to-do lists, and track your progress.

This is the “Task List” by Notion similar to Teams also.

2. http://spacesdashboard.com

Free tool to see analytics about every Twitter Space. It also shows you a graph if the audience stays with you.

Also lets you access and replay all of your spaces and provides valued information like: of spaces hosted, Avg. participants, Cohosts, Regular speakers , Live participants. You can also see spaces you co-hosted and spoke on as well.

by beast.eth


To download each episode of Spaces. You can then upload it as a podcast.

Also see next tool num4. Convertio.

Flowjinn by beast.eth

4 . https://convertio.co/es/

It is a file conversion tool. When you download an archive of your Twitter data, the spaces audio files are in .TS format, and this format isn’t useful That’s where this tool comes in allowing you to convert the files to mp3 or any other audio format and for free. This tool and the next one on the list, I knew about them thanks to @Jancarlo316.

5. Canva.com

For all the snippets and most of the graphics, we use Canva. It is super easy to use and has templates for almost anything. Beast.eth


6. veed.io

For adding subtitles into videos and snippets. Paid tool but easy to use. It generates subtitles with high accuracy automatically.

The tool lets you:

.Edit audio

.Add images, graphics & sound waves


.Auto subtitle, as I mentioned.


7. http://zealous.one

It generates a transcript of every single Space, by @EmilyLuvsCrypto she metioned on Greatful Show when they talked about the tooling stack that they were using for theirs TS.

Also see tool num. 8


Transcripts of spaces can help with writing threads & long-form content this is also a that free tool allows you to convert audio into text with features like:

. ID speakers

. Search

.Add tags

.Play audio of selected txt

8. Twitter Spaces from desktop

Ir fou are going to attend or host a Twitter Spaces from a desktop device, be aware of:

. You can’t Host a space

  • Request to speak
  • Drop emojis

@kelano_eth shared an untold “secret” to do everything from your computer. For free, he shared how to host spaces from your computer and what software you need to install to do so, so let’s bring here what all he posted about it:

You can emulate a phone by using a software called @bluestacksinc

It will let you use ANY app available on the GooglePlay store. No need to buy a Rodecaster Pro, amic or even a phone, as we previously saw in this article.

To set @bluestacksinc It’s a simple 3 steps process:

Setp 1. Download BlueStacks

Setp 2. Launch Blustacks and download Twitter via the PlayStore

Setp 3. Log in your Twitter account as you would on your phone You can now do everything as if you were on mobile.

So you will enjoy hosting, speaking and dropping emojis from your desktop and for free.

9. My Best Twitter Spaces, and the ones I have been as Co-host or Speaker.

Here I share with you the hots or co-Hots that I follow to get to know when they celebrate theis TS that I usually listen to learn about the topics that I like to learn or meeting people with same interests:









And these are the TS that I have been participating as a Speaker or Co_host:

🔹 https://twitter.com/angel189/status/1603443400589467648

🔹 https://twitter.com/CommonGround_cg/status/1605591765196611584

🔹 https://twitter.com/CommonGround_cg/status/1585562181201969153

🔹 https://twitter.com/NFTes_oficial/status/1615280034666745856

And as a special guest with my frens @cocobayworld

🔹 https://twitter.com/cocobayworld/status/1605262293905842200

10. Endnote.

11. Thank you to ALL my sources.






















🔹 Twitter Mar Fernández

🔹 Mirror https://mirror.xyz/marfernandez.eth

✳️ Common Ground https://app.commonground.cg/profile

🔹 Medium https://medium.com/@MarBlockchain

🔹 Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/marfernandezparra/

THANK YOU my Sources.

This Guide, without my sources, it would not have been possible. Thank YOU.



Blockchain Biz

23 yrs Leading Digital Businesses & AI projects. Professor in Data , Marketing Automation and CRM. Making AI & Web3 accesible for non tech people,