Web 3 Imposter Syndrome Is Real

Paul DelSignore
Blockchain Biz
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2022


Title: An imposter in the crowd, made on MidJourney

If you work on Web 3 technology and projects, chances are that by tomorrow you will have become an imposter.

A bit dramatic? The point of that hyperbolic statement is really just to say that web technology is moving so fast that it’s almost impossible to feel like you have a grasp on Web 3.

You don’t, and you need to start by admitting that to yourself.

From blockchain infrastructures, to tokenized use cases, to protocols, to security and identity models, to metaverse strategies, etc… each part of the technology stack and varying business models will typically affect the direction of the web 3 ecosystem as a whole.

Working in Web 3 is like trying to steer a boat that is being pulled in different directions and there are new surprises all the time. You are not quite sure if the path ahead is clear or how strong the current will be — and it doesn’t help that we are in a crypto winter which is creating a lot of uncertainty.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is the experience of feeling inadequate and incompetent in your role or career. With the current rapid pace of change in the workforce, there are reports suggesting that 70% of employees feel inadequate on a daily basis, and that number is reported to be higher in the tech sector.



Paul DelSignore
Blockchain Biz

Ramblings on the intersection of technology and culture • Creative Technologist :: https://medium.com/@pdelsignore/membership