What Would it Take for Crypto Winter to End?

And the blossoms of spring to sprout?

Tom F.
Blockchain Biz


It is more than fair to say crypto took a major sucker punch this year. The combination of a bear market, several project failures, and the Damocles sword of government-led regulation and bans plummeted valuations and wiped out entire communities of retail investors from the market.

Sadly, many of these average-Jane and average-Joe investors burned their fingers and are likely to stay away from crypto forever, with the chance of some of them re-joining when we are about to witness the precious blossoms of upcoming crypto spring. To re-establish confidence with people who lost their savings and to attract interest and willingness to invest some hard-earned cash, there is a new narrative needed, as the financial narrative along the get-rich-quick-dreams failed to stick.

So, before we look at the factors that may re-introduce average buyers to crypto again, let’s have a short grasp on the major market happenings that plummeted crypto markets this year:

Overall market sentiment

In a tight macroeconomic situation with decade-high inflation numbers in U.S. and Europe, war on European soil, and energy prices going to the moon, people need more cash for everyday necessities and thus, are less…

