zkSync — Is it worth doing now?

5 min readNov 25, 2022


Good afternoon dear friends, today I would like to share with you not so much a new project, but an actual, yes, it is already familiar to all zkSync

First, let me tell you what ZK Rollup is, and what the zkSync project is.

What is a ZK Rollup?

ZK Rollups are a layer 2 scaling solution that uses cryptographic validity proofs to scale computation: each batch of transactions comes with a cryptographic proof (SNARK) that is verified by an Ethereum smart contract. This way every single transaction is fully verified by all Ethereum full nodes before a block is finalized.

What is zkSync?

ZkEVM is a virtual machine that executes smart contracts in a way that is compatible with zero-knowledge-proof computation. It is the key to building an EVM-compatible ZK Rollup while preserving the battle-tested code and knowledge gained after years of working with Solidity. Zk-EVM keeps EVM semantics, but is also ZK-friendly and takes on traditional CPU architectures.

The question then becomes, why should we pay attention to this project?

Let me say that I have been following this project for over a year and doing activities in it, this network has a good ecosystem on par with Arbitrum and Optimism, so let’s turn to the latest news that gives us hope for a good outcome of development, first of all let’s pay attention to the following tweet:


What can this tell us?

At least we can say that ZkSinc has attracted more than $450 million in investments, for comparison Aptos has attracted about $350 million, which is less than zk, but so far this does not tell us anything, because everything must be evaluated in aggregate, so next we look at the tokenomics of the project.

Since the token was not announced yet, we can only speculate, but judging from the latest post, we can say that the token will be and most of it will go to the ecosystem, what the ecosystem includes we can only guess, but there is a high probability that some part of it will go to the community, which is very good news for us!

Next we turn to the investors of the project, as I mentioned earlier, zkSync has raised a total of $458 million in a manner that solidifies our mission to scale the technology and values of Ethereum.

Among these investors, most of the major funds and exchanges, which suggests that the big players also believe in the project.

As everyone already knows zkSinc switched to meinnet, as well as there were many rumors that there was already a snapshot, but as it turned out later, it turned out that it was for a completely different project or even rumors, so it is worth summarizing, it is worth saying that the official announcements have not yet been, and many apps on this network work in testnet, respectively, I believe that it is necessary to continue to perform activities on this network!

WHAT to do?

Now that you know what this project involves, I will talk about what we can do as users, as well as what will probably bring us some profits!

  • Go to zkSync — Open Wallet — connect Metamask — and in the bottom right corner the ether icon — mainnet.
  • The next step is to transfer our ethers over one of the bridges zk offers us, they are presented below, I advise everyone to use all bridges especially the official bridge zksinc and orbiter
  • We go to ZigZag first DEX on zkSync and connect the wallet.
    The main task is to gain trading volume. Use different pairs. And trade once a week to maintain your wallet asset.
    Go to the Bridge tab and transfer funds from L2 to L1. Leave a few bucks in L2. Now the funds are back in Metamask.
  • Mint NFT on zkSync —
    Go to the site Pinata — Try for free — Register.
    Upload any picture via Upload file and give it a name.
    Copy CID, then go to zkSync button +Mint NFT — sign transactions.
  • Donate to the project

    Go to Gitcoin — login through Github. Go to the project page — click “Add to cart” — go to the cart, donate ETH. You can donate a symbolic amount.
  • And be sure to pass the quests that offer us ZKsinc on the platform crew3, for this drop is probably not given, but as a multiplier can be used, follow the link and do it while there is an opportunity

Many people would have ended there, but not us, below I will present a list of projects that I would test, and which may in the future will give drop:

ZKCross is an interconnect protocol created using the zkRollup multichain, on which OmniSwap, an L2 AMM DEX multichain is built.

SyncSwap — AMM DEX on zkSync, testnet.

MES Protocol — DEX based on zkRollup. Using CEX trading experience on DEX. Currently at testnet stage.

Mute.io — DEX based on zkRollup with limit orders, IDO and farming platform. Built on Ethereum and zkSync. Testnet stage.

1KX Protocol — new AMM/DEX protocol with zero slippage, allowing to create liquidity pools with one token. It is in the testing phase.

In the end I would like to wish you good luck in this event, I have a good feeling about it, so don’t miss a good opportunity and stay tuned.

Links to sources:
1. https://zksync.io/
2. https://v2-docs.zksync.io/dev/troubleshooting/docs-contribution/docs.html#edit-or-review-a-documentation-page
3. https://twitter.com/zksync
4. https://teletype.in/@coincase/zksyncguide

Links to my social media:
1. twitter — https://twitter.com/Nikitont
2. discord — Nikiton#9410

