Brawlers Instruction Manual

Tyranno Studios
7 min readNov 1, 2022



Each Match consists of multiple Rounds

Start a Round by picking 2 cards:

  • (1) a ‘face up’ card to show the opponent (the Set Up card)
  • (2) a ‘face down’ card (the Slam Card) that is revealed later

Set your Damage Multiplier to 1, 2 or 3, based on whether you think you’ll win the Round… or you can Fold if you think you’ll lose the Round.

Win a Round 1 of 3 ways

  • 1) By having a higher 2-card score
  • 2) By having your opponent fold
  • 3) By winning a round that involves FLEXING by you and/or your opponent. (See full instruction guide)

Win the Match by winning Rounds until your opponent’s health is down to zero.

More details on everything below!


  • Do not play your highest card first as the face-up Setup Card unless you know what you’re doing. Playing your highest card as the Setup card is called FLEXING, a high-risk high-reward tactic that should be done only when you think your opponent will Fold.
  • FOLD often. Use Folding to dump low cards and to avoid taking extra damage and risk having your Power Meter reset to 1.



To start playing Brawlers, you’ll need the following:

  • A Wax Cloud Wallet account
  • 11 total Cards
  • Number Cards 1–8
  • 1 Attack
  • 1 Taunt
  • 1 Finisher

These items are available from your favorite WAX marketplace including Atomic Hub or vIRL Market. Also available in our Starter Packs.

  • 1 Brawler

We suggest starting with Mike Yellerbelly, but any Brawler will do. Available from vIRL Market, Atomic Hub, or any WAX Marketplace. Also available in our Starter Packs.

  • (Optional): BRWL Tokens

In order to compete in select rooms, BRWL will be required as an entry fee.



  • Every Match consists of individual Rounds where you strategically play two of the Cards you are dealt in each Round. Sorta like the classic card game War, but with 2 cards!
  • How many Rounds are in a Match? As many as it takes until a Brawler wins the Match…see below!
  • Winning a Round. If the two Cards you play total more than your opponent’s two cards, you win the Round. (With one exception to this!)
  • Inflicting Damage. When you win a Round, your Brawler executes a move damaging your opponent, depleting some of their Health.
  • Winning the Match. To defeat your opponent, you must entirely deplete their Health down to 0 (zero), before they deplete yours. You then win the Match!


  • Health: Both Brawlers start a Match with 25 Health points. Remember, the first Brawler to lose all 25 of their Health points gets pinned and loses the Match!
  • Power Meter: You start the Match with your Power Meter at 1. With every Round you win, your Power Meter increases. Lose a Round and your Power Meter resets back down to 1.
  • Your Hand. Both you and your opponent start the first Round of the Match by being dealt three Cards each. From these three Cards, you must choose TWO Cards to play in the Round.
  • As the Match progresses, the hand size you are dealt can increase up to six Cards. How that happens is detailed further below, but remember you still must choose TWO of your cards to play in each Round.
  • What’s in the Deck? The Deck consists of 32 Cards total, shared between you and your opponent. Cards are numbered 1 through 8, with four of each numbered Card in the deck, making 32 Cards total. All cards (excluding the cards in the players’ hands) are reshuffled after the discard pile contains 9 cards. Cards are never discarded from play, and there is no danger of running out of them.
  • The Set Up Card. Each Round, you choose two Cards from your Hand to play. The first Card you choose is called the Set Up Card, and is visible to your opponent. And conversely, your opponent’s Set Up Card is visible to you. Hey, fair is fair!
  • The Slam Card. The second Card you choose to play is called the Slam Card, and this is hidden from your opponent. And yes, their Slam Card is hidden from you.


  • Card Selection: At the start of each Round, you select from your hand the Set Up Card and Slam Card you’d like to play.
  • Set your Damage Multiplier in each Round. Set your Damage Multiplier to 1, 2 or 3 based on the strength of your hand, and how strong or weak you think your opponent’s hand is.

If you set your Damage Multiplier to less than what your opponent has set theirs to, then you must either Fold, or match their Damage Multiplier number selection (known as a “Call”).

  • Showdown: STANDARD. If you and your opponent have matching Damage Multipliers, then it is literally time to show your cards in the Showdown. At this time both you and your opponent’s hidden Slam Cards are revealed, and whoever’s two Cards total more (Set Up Card + Slam Card), wins the Round and inflicts Damage on their opponent…unless there is a FLEX.
  • Showdown: FLEXING. Note: this is a little complicated…but a key part of what makes our PvP mode special.

When your face-up Set Up Card is of higher value than your face-down Slam Card, this is called a “Flex” or “Flexing”. The goal of a Flex is to get your opponent to fold … scared away by the first card you show.

Example of a Flex: your Set Up Card (visible to your opponent) is a 7, and your Slam Card (hidden from your opponent) is a 5. In this case your Set Up is of higher value than your Slam, thus it’s a “Flex”!

FLEXING offers multiple risks — your chance of losing the round is much higher if you Flex…but it also delivers a huge damage bonus if you win the Round.

Here are the outcomes from a round where a FLEX is involved:

  • If you Flex and your opponent Folds, then the damage you inflict on your opponent is your Power Meter Score x 2. Your intimidation worked, and you’ve delivered double damage!
  • If you Flex and your opponent doesn’t FLEX, you automatically lose. Always. YES, even if your Card total is higher than your opponent’s, they win!
  • If both you and your opponent Flex, it works just like a normal Showdown. The Round winner (by higher Card total) inflicts damage on their opponent equal to the winner’s Power Meter Score x Damage Multiplier.

See SPECIAL TACTICS for even more details on FLEXING

  • FOLDING — If you don’t think you will win a Round, you can opt to Fold. When you Fold, you will not lose any points off of your Power Meter AND you will be dealt an extra card in the next Round. So yes, Folding can be used strategically! As mentioned, the most Cards you can hold in your Hand is six; if you Fold beyond that you will be prompted to discard a Card(s) that will be added to the discard pile.


  • When a Round culminates in a Showdown, the Round’s winner will inflict damage on their opponent equal to the winner’s Power Meter x Damage Multiplier.
  • When a player Folds, the Round’s winner will inflict damage on their opponent equal to the winner’s Power Meter only.
  • When there’s a FLEX: See Flexing above
  • When a Round ends in a Tie: Both players inflict full damage on each other, and both players’ Power Meters reset to 1.
  • When Match ends and both Players have Negative Health, the winner is determined by the player closest to 0 (zero) Health.
  • When a Match ends and both Players have identical Negative Health, then the Match ends in a draw.



This is when you choose either a 1 Card and/or a 3 Card.

1s and 3s are low cards so there’s extra risk to use them, but there’s also 2X the potential Reward. If you win the Round while using a 1 or a 3, then your Power Meter will increase an additional 2 points for each 1 or 3 you’ve played that Round!


  • Always keep in mind the highest Card value is an 8. And because your opponent’s Set Up Card is visible to you, you’ll know the highest possible total of their two played cards. That would be their Set Up Card value + 8 (their highest possible hidden Slam Card value). This is key information for your Damage Multiplier or Folding strategy!
  • Yes, Folding is a legit strategy! And in fact, it’s key as well. Remember, when you Fold, you will not lose any points off of your Power Meter AND you will be dealt an extra card in the next Round!
  • The more Cards in your hand, the more strategic options you have of which two Cards to play in a Round!

Try to increase your POWER METER. In later rounds, the Power Meter damage matters more than your Damage Multiplier. Power Meters can be multiplied by playing 1s and 3s and by winning rounds. Losing rounds resets your Power Meter to 1.



Tyranno Studios

Premier Web3 gaming studio of uncompromising vision and unrivaled experience, focused on disrupting industry paradigms. Play. Rule. Reign.