Feb 1st — Phase 4 of 4 Recipes Released (Day 9)

Tyranno Studios
Published in
15 min readFeb 2, 2023

Day 9

Here is the final set of recipes for the burn event. All 19 recipes and now listed and available. Please keep in mind that the 6 recipes from the Inferno Event will be live as well for the duration of the event. One edit to the recipes is that we have removed “Any ten Deck Card packs” from all recipe considerations.

10 Finisher Packs + 500 BRWL = a drop of a mix of ten Finisher Moves. The drop rates are as follows:

  • Common Finisher Move 50%
  • Uncommon Finisher Move 45%
  • Rare Taunt Move 5%

10 of any Common Finisher Moves + 499 BRWL = a Finisher move drop at the following rate:

  • Rare Finisher Move 99%
  • Epic Finisher Move 0.9%
  • Legendary Finisher move 0.1%

10 of any Uncommon Finisher Moves + 499 BRWL_+ 1 Gold = a Finisher move drop at the following rate:

  • Epic Finisher Move 99%
  • Legendary Finisher Move 1%

6 of any Rare Finisher Moves + 999 BRWL and 2 Gold NFT = a Finisher move drop at the following rate:

  • Epic Finisher Move 98%
  • Legendary Finisher Move 2%

3 of any Epic Finisher Move + 3999 BRWL and 4 Gold NFTs = a Finisher move drop at the following rate:

  • Nothing at all 92%
  • Legendary Finisher Move 8%

Now, LFB.

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Day 1

Before we get into the main course of the event itself, The Recipes, drops, and prizes, please allow us to serve up the amuse-bouche.

We want you to understand the larger purpose and design of the event and how everything fits together. We essentially want to walk you through our “Why.”

This event promises to be our biggest event ever. There are more recipes, catering to more players and more incentives for everyone to engage. Everyone will benefit from their participation. The OGs and the new players, everyone. Suffice it to say this will be a great experience for you no matter the amount of time spent in the game to date.

Gentlemen start your engines! One of the more interesting things we expect to see in this event is a frenzied chase for the numerous Mint #1 assets that are going to be generated in this event. You guys like to race. Well think of this as the Indianapolis 500 using NASCAR cars, set in Monte Carlo. The first few days especially will be a racers race with over 400 Mint #1 cards up for grabs. And yes, up to three digit mint numbers will be implemented into PvP. There will be many things to chase right at the beginning of this event. It will be hard to know where to start. Giving players many lanes to choose from is intentional. Making these choices hard to pick between is what we want. You will find the incentives to be obvious, but done in a way where no one or two or ten players will get them all.

The goal of the event is two fold. As a global initiative we want better content in the hands of our early adopter players, this includes all moves. Our main priority is that we want players to burn an overwhelming number of Deck Cards and packs in a proper send off to our beloved Alpha Deck Cards. Once the event starts the Brawl-O-Seums will never ever craft an Alpha Deck card ever again. As of February 2nd when the event goes live, Alpha Deck card production will cease and never come back. We think the incentives and recipes we have in place will spur a massive number of burning actions. Additionally, there are some very far reaching goals we will put in place that will require players to work with one another in order to have success.

On this part, we cannot stress that enough. Together is better. As a community you can hit these aspirational goals if you cooperate and work with one another. Why is this? Well if you have ever spent any time in the #brawler-trade channel, you will understand how rewarding it is to have both sides of a trade “win.” We have an incredible group of players. The likes of which you just don’t see in terms of the quality of the people and their level of selflessness. This event is designed to put that front and center. You will need each other if you want to hit some of the highest heights we have put out there.

We wanted to save the juiciest detail in this post for last. It is well-documented that we own a large number of Platinum Brawl-O-Seums. It is also known that we would put these into service to cover any extreme situation where zero assets were on sale in the market. As we said, an extreme and very unlikely situation. The good news is the producers are producing and inventory levels are solid. We are happy with how BoS owners have performed to our expectations.

Before the event starts, at some point soon we are going to burn all 36,000 of our BoS PvP assets and take them out of existence. As a subset, we have 21,000 Deck Card Packs/Cards we currently possess. To be clear, we have never ever sold any of these assets to anyone. And do not see the need to do so at this time.

To celebrate this burning of Deck Card content we are going to hold an exceptional contest and reward 21 winners, 10 Foil — Alpha Comm Deck Cards to do with as they, please. These will be minted directly to their wallets on the ninth day of the event, February 11th We will use this giveaway to reward existing players, hopefully, attract some new players, reactivate lapsed players, and as always will try to keep bots from winning.

We are designing a great contest giveaway set of rules. Look for us to publish all the details in the next few days.

As you have hopefully noticed we have created a series of special burn event channels in Discord where you can monitor all of the things that matter most to you WRT to this event. Head on over to #burn-event-central and check them all out. Now, LFB.

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Day 2

We want to take a moment to explain what we are seeing in the player wallets and how the markets are moving so you can get inside the heads of the development team as to why this burn event exists and what we expect to see play out during that time frame.

As we have stated in previous articles, the goal for the event is to burn as many cards, packs and moves as possible. We think the desire to do so will be strong. We will also help this along in a variety of ways. More on that as the days go by.

As of today there are over 130,000 packs unopened in total and over 25,000 move cards in circulation. We think this event will drive over 70% of these assets to get burned by the time it all ends. We want the number of Alpha Deck cards in circulation to be greatly reduced, but the ones that persist will be of higher quality and increased rarity. We think this event will do just that.

We also want players that have been struggling to get better looking moves in the ring to make this process slightly easier for them, thus improving the overall play experience. Better experience, more engagement.

In turning back on the original Year End Inferno event as a fair number of players asked for it, we think this will cater to a select group of folks that might have missed out on this the first time around.

We will waste no time getting things jumping!

Literally the first second the event goes live, certain players will be racing to hit their objectives in the ultimate sprint. Then over the first hour this will shift to a slightly larger group of players chasing their objectives. The first 24 hours we know that Mint hunters will be going HaM trying to secure their objectives. Then on Day 3 that will evolve to a different mindset and inspire yet a different play pattern. The last few days we expect to be a feeding frenzy of players vying to hit their goals as the event winds down. What we mean by all of this will become somewhat more clear in tomorrow’s post, but not completely. That full understanding won’t be in place until next week with all of the set pieces laid out before you.

This is just a long winded way of saying that there will be something for everyone. Or at least this is our intent. As always, engaging is completely optional, but we do hope we have put forth some great things for everyone to consider that will see them coming in and vying for things that matter to them most. Always refer back to this article for the latest news.

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Day 3

This event will be mixing things up relative to the previous burn events in terms of fixed pricing. We had always set the recipes themselves and let the event run until completion with no adjustments.

But in this event, only where the card recipes are concerned, we are going to be adjusting the recipe costs as the event progresses. Why is this? We think the rewards are great. But depending on how aggressive you want to be, the starting price point may not be to your liking. We are going to make them cheaper at two inflection points during the ten days this runs. Here are the three buckets we see playing out.

Days 1 and 2 — On the card burning recipes this first forty-eight hours will be recipes for players looking to get their hands on the first ever Mint #1’s of the Beta cards. There are 240 up for grabs and we think over 60 will be minted on day’s 1 and 2.

We think days 1 and 2 will be a Mint Sprint.

If you choose to engage these first two days with Card recipes you should have a good shot at landing one.

Days 3 thru 5 — We reduce the cost of the recipes by a healthy amount BRWL wise on the first two recipes (Com/Uncom cards). The latter recipes which have the best chance to drop more rare assets will get less of a reduction. This will hold true throughout.

We believe days 3, 4 and 5 will be for Mint hunters looking to craft Uncommon, Rare, and possibly Rare Mint 1’s BUT you will need to work together. This is why the event-trade channel was set up.

Day 6 thru 10 — The Common and Uncommon recipes get an even further reduction to their cost.

We believe the last half of the event will be for the marathon runners and bargain hunters. The first two recipes will be incredibly reasonable and still offer great drops, but with a reduced chance to get a highly coveted low mint BETA Deck Card.

Again — this event is designed to reduce the number of cards and packs and moves. We think a steady decline in cost tied to a user persona is a great test for this event. There will be many great data points we can glean from it.

What will these card recipes be? You will have to come back tomorrow to find out. Now, LFB.

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Day 4

Today we are releasing the first of four sets of recipes. If you can’t figure out what that means, here you go. Each pack and their contents will have a set of recipes specifically designed for them. Today we will focus on the recipes tied to Deck Card packs and Deck Cards. Soon there will be set for Attack/Packs, Taunt/Packs, Finishers/Pack.

As we mentioned yesterday the prices of some of these recipes will get cheaper as the event moves forward. The highest prices per ingredient starts on Day 1 and by Day 6 you will see the lowest they will go. The more expensive recipes with the best drop rates will also be reduced, but at a lower percent compared to the less expensive ones. Note all of the ingredients listed below will be burned from the game and in the case of BRWL it will be moved to the game wallet as per usual. Recipe costs will be adjusted at 1pm PST on the days shown below.

Recipes for Day 1 and 2

Any 12 Common Alpha Deck Cards or any 12 Deck Packs + 550 BRWL (it cannot be a mix of packs and cards. It is one or the other)

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Rare Alpha Regular Deck Card 83%
  • Common Beta Deck Card 16%
  • Epic Alpha Regular Deck Card 0.9%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 0.1%

Any 16 Uncommon Alpha Deck Cards + 1200 BRWL and 1 Gold NFT

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 40%
  • Epic Alpha Regular Deck Card 58.1%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 0.9%

Any 24 Rare Alpha Deck Cards + 2200 BRWL and 2 Gold NFTs

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 61.89%
  • You’ll get nothing 34.11%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 4%

Any 3 Epic Alpha Deck Cards + 2000 BRWL and 3 Gold NFTs

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 74%
  • You’ll get nothing 20%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 6%

Recipes for Days 3 thru 6

Any 10 Common Alpha Deck Cards or any 10 Deck Packs + 200 BRWL (it cannot be a mix of packs and cards)

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Rare Alpha Regular Deck Card 83%
  • Common Beta Deck Card 16%
  • Epic Alpha Regular Deck Card 0.9%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 0.1%

Any 14 Uncommon Alpha Deck Cards + 400 BRWL and 1 Gold NFT

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 40%
  • Epic Alpha Regular Deck Card 58.1%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 0.9%

Any 24 Rare Alpha Deck Cards + 1500 BRWL and 2 Gold NFTs

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 61.89%
  • You’ll get nothing 34.11%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 4%

Any 3 Epic Alpha Deck Cards + 1300 BRWL and 3 Gold NFTs

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 74%
  • You’ll get nothing 20%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 6%

Recipes for Days 7 thru 12

Any 10 Common Alpha Deck Cards or any 10 Deck Packs + 50 BRWL (it cannot be a mix of packs and cards)

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Rare Alpha Regular Deck Card 83%
  • Common Beta Deck Card 16%
  • Epic Alpha Regular Deck Card 0.9%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 0.1%

Any 12 Uncommon Alpha Deck Cards + 300 BRWL and 1 Gold NFT

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 40%
  • Epic Alpha Regular Deck Card 58.1%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 0.9%

Any 24 Rare Alpha Deck Cards + 1500 BRWL and 2 Gold NFTs

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 61.89%
  • You’ll get nothing 34.11%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 4%

Any 3 Epic Alpha Deck Cards 1300 BRWL and 3 Gold NFTs

Gets the following rewards at the following drop rate:

  • Common Beta Deck Card 74%
  • You’ll get nothing 20%
  • Legendary Alpha Deck Card 6%

Now, LFB.

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Day 5

Today we are going to talk about “Plans Foiled” or better put, our “Foil Plans”.

There have been some very keen observations around player behavior and drop rate balancing tied to Foil Deck Cards. One of the things that we have observed is surprising, or maybe not, to date there have been zero Foil deck cards crafted from upgrading existing Foil deck card assets. More on pushing that agenda in the days ahead.

We have observed that so far around 200 foils have dropped and players covet them. Rightfully so. They are very rare. They provide status. They are very nice flex and look amazing.

But as great as they are, there’s room for improvement. We feel there are three key areas we need to improve upon.

First — The in game look. In the near future Foil cards and their lenticular effect will be on display in the game. You will see the gorgeous shimmer that each card has subtly animating from within the game. They will also display their Mint # when played in a game. This will also happen with both Alpha and Beta Foil Deck Cards.

Second — Liquidity. Given the very low trading/buying volume and non-existent inventory in the market we actually need them to be more widely available, but done in a way that we don’t flood the market. As soon as the event kicks off the Foil card drop rate will go from 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 100.

This shift will retroactively be tied to all existing Deck Packs ever minted that are yet to be opened. This includes Rarity Deck Packs as well. It will also apply to all crafting upgrades from existing Deck Cards (the Alphas) and future Deck Cards, the Betas once the event is live.

Third — Visibility. We want to see more and more gorgeous higher rarity Foil cards be used by more players in upgrades so we can see Epic and Lego Foils in the game. Without the increase in volume this would not likely happen any time soon. The Legendary Beta Foil Deck Card is hands down the best looking card asset and it’s not particularly close.

And when the event ends we are releasing a new Deck Card pack skin for Brawl-o-Seum owners when they craft a normal, common Deck Pack. It will look like this

While it is true that some players may get confused in thinking that means that existing inventory of common Deck Packs don’t have this 1% drop rate, they will even though it is the old packaging. We could not update the art and have it be widely reflected. We could have actually updated the pack art for old Deck Pack assets in the VIRL Market, but those visual changes would not have been reflected on Nefty Blocks, NFT Hive, or Atomic Hub. We will try to do our best to consistently communicate to all players that as soon as the event goes live at 1pm PST on February 2nd, ALL existing Deck Pack content will now have this new and improved Foil drop rate. Good times. Now, LFB.

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Day 6 & 7

Phase 2 of 4 The Attack-Related Recipes

10 Attack Packs + 100 BRWL = a drop of a mix of ten Attack Moves. The drop rates are as follows:

  • Common Attack Move 60%
  • Uncommon Attack Move 35%
  • Rare Attack Move 5%

6 of any Common Attack Moves + 399 BRWL = a new attack drop at the following rate:

  • Rare Move 99%
  • Epic Move 0.9%
  • Legendary Move 0.1%

24 of any Uncommon Attack Moves + 999 BRWL and 1 Gold NFT = a new Attack drop at the following rate:

  • Atx Epic 99%
  • Atx Legendary 1%

4 of any Rare Attack Moves + 499 BRWL and 4 Gold NFT = a new Attack drop at the following rate:

  • Atx Epic 98%
  • Atx Legendary 2%

2 of any Epic Attack Moves + 4999 BRWL and 4 Gold NFT = a new Attack drop at the following rate:

  • Nothing at all 92%
  • Atx Legendary 8%

Halting BoS Production during the event

When the Event starts on February 2nd at 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 9pm UTC we are going to halt the production capabilities of the Brawl-o-Seums. This decision was made in conjunction with Brawl-o-Seum owners and discussed at length in their Discord channel.

When the Event ends we will reward a commensurate amount of experience points without owners having to pay any BRWL for these advances when they log in to use their BoS.

We are taking this measure to ensure that market inventories come under control, prices stabilize and hopefully grow. We believe this will also greatly reduce the overall number of NFTs in the circulating supply. To understand the effectiveness of these changes and the event itself, from time to time our very own CallMeNemo and OnlyAbrak will be providing charting to illustrate the effectiveness of these measures.

If in the extreme case of zero things for sale or prices are prohibitively high (over $10 per single common pack) we will look into turning the machines back on so to speak.

Now, LFB.

Day 8

Today we are releasing the recipes tied to Taunt moves. Sick and tired of a certain someone t-bagging you into oblivion? Hate it when your opponent “Struts” on you and you are only holing a “Threat Down”? Maybe you have been chasing a “Double Bird” to let the crowd know how you really feel.

Well now is your chance to get them with a little less effort. Below are the recipes to get your hands on these rare and flexes to drop on your opponents in the match. Including a Rare:Epic dice roll requiring no Gold.

10 Taunts Packs + 100 BRWL = a drop of a mix of ten Taunt Moves. The drop rates are as follows:

  • Common Taunt Move 60%
  • UncommonTaunt Move 35%
  • Rare Taunt Move 5%

6 of any Common Taunt Moves + 120 BRWL = a Taunt move drop at the following rate:

  • Rare Taunt move 99%
  • Epic Taunt move 0.9%
  • Legendary Taunt move 0.1%

10 of any Uncommon Taunt Moves + 999 BRWL and 1 Gold NFT = a Taunt move drop at the following rate:

  • Epic Taunt move 99%
  • Legendary Taunt move 1%

6 of any Rare Attack Moves + 1199 BRWL and 0 Gold NFT = an Attack move drop at the following rate:

  • Epic Attack move 98%
  • Legendary Attack move 2%

1 of any Epic Taunt Move + 4999 BRWL and 5 Gold NFTs = a Taunt move drop at the following rate:

  • Nothing at all 92%
  • Legendary Taunt Move 8%

Now, LFB.

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Feb 2nd — Secret Article 1

Feb 2nd — — and Secret Article 2



Tyranno Studios

Premier Web3 gaming studio of uncompromising vision and unrivaled experience, focused on disrupting industry paradigms. Play. Rule. Reign.