The Blockchain Brawlers Regional Rumble Is Upon Us

Tyranno Studios
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2023

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, esteemed blockchain bruisers of all ages — fasten your seatbelts and tighten your headgear, because the time has come for a groundbreaking spectacle: May’s B.E.S.T. is now stepping into the global ring with Regional Play!

For the very first time in the electrifying history of the Blockchain Brawlers, we’re introducing regional qualifiers. This isn’t just a game, folks. It’s a digital wrestling revolution spanning three titanic regions — SEA (Southeast Asia), EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), and NA/SA (North and South America). We’re opening the cage door for the top 20 gladiators worldwide to advance to the ultimate face-off, the Global Finals, on June 3rd.

Each region will send their best to the Brawlers’ main event, hand-picked from the fiery furnace of regional play. SEA will send four unstoppable warriors, while NA/SA and EMEA will each unleash eight champions from their user base. These selections, my friends, aren’t just arbitrary numbers, but are carefully calculated based on our dedicated user bases per region.

Our objective? As clear as a crystal skull. We’re flexing our muscles to increase player participation by catering to regional time zones, making it easier for our intrepid fighters to enter the ring. We’re scouting for new talent hungry for a taste of the Blockchain Brawlers — those who wish to partake in what we firmly believe is the most exciting way to enjoy the game: a global showdown with tantalizing prizes up for grabs!

The Regional Rundown

The Southeast Asia Showdown
Date: Saturday, May 20th
Start Time: 12 pm UTC — accommodating a variety of regional times from Japan to India.

Register here:

The Trans-American Titans Clash
Date: Saturday, May 20th
Start Time: 1 am UTC — ensuring our American warriors, from Brazil to the Pacific Coast, can join the brawl.

Register here:

The EMEA Championship
Date: Sunday, May 21st
Start Time: 6 pm UTC — a convenient time for our European, Middle Eastern, and African contenders.

Register here:

The Rules of the Ring

The fight format is a ruthless ‘Best of Three.’ Latecomers, beware: tardiness beyond five minutes of the start time results in a default. If your rival pulls a no-show, report it in your match channel. For disputes, submit a screenshot as evidence of your claim. We’re fighting on client version 1.5.15, which can be downloaded here. The player listed first in the Match Room Channel is responsible for providing a JOIN CODE to their adversary. Lastly, to avoid any confusion, please edit your profile name in the client to match your entry name.

Download the latest Blockchain Brawlers Client here:

Stay tuned for the announcement of our mouth-watering event prizes in the coming days. Now, let’s get ready to rumble, Blockchain Brawlers — it’s time to LFB (Let’s Freakin’ Brawl)!

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Tyranno Studios

Premier Web3 gaming studio of uncompromising vision and unrivaled experience, focused on disrupting industry paradigms. Play. Rule. Reign.