Work hard, and when things are going well, do everything you can to bend the universe your way!

Blockchain Connect
Blockchain Connect Conference
3 min readDec 30, 2017
Foundation Capital

Foundation Capital is a venture capital firm dedicated to the proposition that one entrepreneur’s idea, with the right support, can become a business that changes the world. The company is made up of former entrepreneurs who set out to create the firm they wanted as founders. This forward-thinking team of VCs has helped companies like Lending Club change the way money is lent and borrowed, Sunrun reinvent the residential clean energy market, and Netflix revolutionize media distribution and consumption, among many others.

Foundation Capital is currently invested in more than 60 high-growth ventures in the areas of consumer, information technology, software, digital energy, financial technology and marketing technology. These investments include AdRoll, Beepi, Bolt Threads, DogVacay, Kik, ForgeRock, Lending Home, Localytics and Visier. The firm’s twenty-six IPOs include Lending Club, OnDeck, Chegg, Sunrun, MobileIron, Control4, TubeMogul, Envestnet, Financial Engines, Netflix, NetZero, Responsys and Silver Spring Networks

Rodolfo Veradittakit

Rodolfo Veradittakit, who joined Foundation Capital in June 2013, is fascinated by financial disintermediation, peer-to-peer funding, and bringing transparency and simplicity to the consumer experience. As a kid, he wanted to be a professional soccer player or movie actor; but he grew into an adult with a passion for promoting economic growth and inclusion through innovation in financial services.

The best part of his work is: Working with/for ambitious, talented, and extremely driven entrepreneurs who are bent on changing the world for the better!

He was 17 when he co-founded his first startup, Mexplosion, to host the Mexican qualifiers for the World Cyber Games e-gaming competition in 2001. His second and more recent entrepreneurial venture was a crowdfunding platform for social enterprises called YouVest.

As part of McKinsey’s Latin America Financial Institutions Group, Rodolfo worked with clients across a spectrum of financial institutions, including banks, insurers, asset managers, and payments processors. He also participated in economic development projects and financial literacy promotion, and developed cross-country methodologies to measure financial inclusion for SME’s and individuals in the region. Rodolfo is the co-author of several different knowledge perspectives on retail banking, payments, and SME banking in Latin America. During the summer of 2012, Rodolfo worked with Open Capital Advisors in Nairobi, Kenya, where he worked with clients in renewable energy, agribusiness, and private health care delivery to raise capital.

Best advice he ever got: “Work hard, and when things are going well, do everything you can to bend the universe your way!”

Profile: Rodolfo geeks out on movies, philosophy, history, travel and coffee. He is an avid traveler, and has lived in Mexico City, North Carolina, Orlando, Melbourne (Australia), Boston, Nairobi, and Bangkok. He is now based in San Francisco, where he is on a quest to find the best espresso in the city.

“I often travel alone and often end up being saved by complete strangers with whom I can barely communicate.”

Training: MBA from MIT Sloan’s School of Management with concentrations in finance and entrepreneurship. Degrees in Marketing from ITESM and International Relations from UNAM Mexico.

He will be attending our Blockchain Connect Conference on Jan 26, 2018 in San Francisco to share his insights on the future of blockchain. Click here to find out more.

