Vincenzo Belpiede
Published in
1 min readNov 8, 2018


Questions about Kin Ecosystem and Kik

  • If you earn kin points in different apps how can you move points across different apps / wallets?
  • Why is the kinit app not available in markets outside of US like Italy?


  • Create app packages
  • Link better the different apps with each other
  • Have one simple website where all the apps are listed

Kinit app

  • Just started using it…look forward to get more points

Pause for app

  • Very nice and simple
  • Wondering if there is a way to move over the kin tokens to another wallet



Vincenzo Belpiede

🇮🇹Italian 🇺🇸American — Tech Entrepreneur passionate about SaaS & remote tech talent — Lived in 9 countries 3 continents— California / Europe @stellartalents