1st Anniversary and Blockchain Cuties Universe

Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe
5 min readDec 28, 2018


Dear friends, followers and Cutieneers,
Today is a very special day for Blockchain Cuties team, and for the whole project itself. Not only because we launch TRON version of the game and receive yet another achievement:

“First Game to Launch on 3 Blockchains”,

But also because today we celebrate our first anniversary!

Exactly one year ago on December 28, 2017, Blockchain Cuties’ first line of code was written by our founder and CTO Andrey Pelipenko. It was a very a busy year and we as a team have managed to accomplish a lot. We’ve created a rather good and fun game to play and what’s most important — gathered a lot of caring and wonderful players around us — you guys.
Players that share their advice, vote for different features, help us to create a better game and, to be honest, create the game together with us. Our community continues to grow and thrive and we as a team are doing the same.

Right now Blockchain Cuties is already more than just a simple game—it’s a big world with it’s own heroes, traditions, setting and lore. And it’s only getting bigger and better everyday, because it grows and evolves together with you—the community. As many of you may have already heard, we have big plans for Blockchain Cuties and now is the time to share some of them.

🌎 Blockchain Cuties Universe

Today we announce the launch of Blockchain Cuties Universe — a big superstructure around Blockchain Cuties. It’s main purpose is to gather and unite everything connected with the game, it’s story, setting and events. And by everything, we mean everything meaningful and important, not just first party content.

🎮 Games

Blockchain Cuties Universe or BCU for short, will host every Blockchain Cuties related game, starting from the ones we develop and ending with products we’ve collaborated or plan to collaborate with, like My Crypto Heroes and CryptoBots.

📚 Story and Setting

It’s time we start to share the story of Cutieland and details about the setting of the game. Who are the Cuties, where they came from and so on. We will have a separate section with long and short stories about the history of the world, prominent Cutieneers and various noteworthy places. The history will not only be created by game developers, but also will incorporate events that take place between different players and community groups.

We plan to have these sections:

  • Setting
  • Lore
  • Fan Art
  • Universe Wiki

⚙️ Tools and Services

The game is always evolving and some of the experienced players are contributing to creation of the ecosystem around the product already. We have gene hunters — people who breed Cuties in hundreds just to crossbreed a perfect Tribute one. They create scripts and big spreadsheets to help them out in achieving their goals. We have third party developers that create additional tools and extensions like VeRychard’s Dark UI mod which most of you use with your browser:

We also plan to have additional services created either by our team or players in 2019 and all of them will be featured at Blockchain Cuties Universe.

💻 API and Microservices

We have a lot of different mechanics in the game already, but very few of you know, that almost every important mechanic there is has an internal API (Application programming interface) that we use to communicate with it. At the moment, all of our API endpoints are for internal use only, but in 2019 we plan to open some of them. This would allow external developers to create small services around the game, showing various data in the format we think best suits their needs. This would also allow other game developers to communicate with Blockchain Cuties on a completely different level and create collaborations never seen before.
Blockchain Cuties Universe will host:

  • API methods with examples
  • Documentation describing how to use them

💰 Cutie Wallet as a Service

This is probably one of the most important parts of the announcement and the most difficult to implement. One of the Cuties’ distinctive features is the ability to play the game in every modern browser, be it Microsoft Edge or mobile Safari. This is only possible because we have created a wallet that is built-in to the game. This wallet is using industry security standards and doesn’t store any private data (like private keys) on our servers — everything is stored locally on players’ devices. Cutie Wallet already works with Ethereum and EOS blockchains and we’ll be adding TRON support too. It’s becoming a product of it’s own and very soon it will receive a total design overhaul.

At some point in 2019, we would like to put Cutie Wallet into a separate business unit at Blockchain Cuties and offer it to other developers as a white-label solution. We believe this is going to be a huge step towards reducing friction in onboarding process across the whole cryptogaming community.

🎗 Charity and Partnerships

We at Blockchain Cuties love all kinds of pets and animals. As Blockchain Cuties brand grows, so do our opportunities of helping various animals in a meaningful way. We would like to partner with different animal protection organisations and participate in some kind of charity activities to help the world. All such partnerships will be announced and featured on Blockchain Cuties Universe. And everyone partnering with Blockchain Cuties will be helping a greater cause.

👾 Merchandise

Somewhere mid 2018 we’ve started doing some first steps in terms of producing merchandise to see how in looks and feels in real offline world. And we were pleasantly surprised — everything looked cute and awesome, starting from handmade Koté (Cutiecat) figurines and ending with Cutiecat pillows and paperwork Kitsunes.
In 2019 we plan to start releasing toys, mugs and other Blockchain Cuties branded merchandise. It will be available at Blockchain Cuties Universe store.

🗞 Global Blog

Starting this month we’ll be creating a global blog (official publication in Medium) where we will aggregate all the news and information connected to Blockchain Cuties and Blockchain Cuties Universe. It will have various authors, including ones from the community that will create and publish high quality content.
Blockchain Cuties blog (this one) will become a part of Blockchain Cuties Universe.

Post Scriptum

Majority of the things described in this announcement will be added to Blockchain Cuties Universe in 2019. Some things will require more time to implement than others, but we are committed to it.

As of right now, you can check the reserved landing space for future Blockchain Cuties Universe:


Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

Make sure you follow us on our social profiles like:

and here — on Ⓜ️ Medium for more updates.

Clap, if you like Cuties



Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe

First Multi-Blockchain Collectible Game With Adventures. We’re on ETH, TRON, NEO, Polygon, HECO and EOS . ⇨ https://blockchaincuties.com