Blockchain Cuties — Spirit World and 1.51 Patch Notes

Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe


Dear Cutieneers,

It’s time. It’s time to hunt for treasures that are well deserved. It’s time for me to write these patch notes for you players of world’s cutest blockchain game — Blockchain Cuties.

Long awaited Halloween update is here and it’s time for you to sharpen your swords and get ready to fight!

Of course this wouldn’t be a proper update if there wouldn’t be any new features, new improvements and better experience overall. As always — we keep improving our game to make our user experience gets better and better.

Enough of small talk — here are the patch notes, guys!

Clap for respect ^^

Overall Improvements

Raid Boss UI is greatly improved with new design

Raid Bosses was a big feature for us to push. It was first ever — server wide event which was greatly anticipated. It definitely has it’s flaws and it’s not perfect. There’s still work being done to improve the overall raid boss concept, but before that we had a plan to improve the overall visual experience for our players. Get ready for raid boss visuals 2.0!

First let’s take a look at the old design. Old design is no more!

Old design — get out of here!

Please make a way for a new raid boss visual design that subjectively — looks a lot better and has more information in it. Now players will be aware that raid bosses are only available to Cuties of generation 0–2. As well that Cuties must be level 5+ to be eligible for participation.

New design is here!

There’s quite a few changes here, so lets go through them one by one.

Raid boss power (difficulty of the raid), strengths, weaknesses and drops are now shown in a very compact manner. It’s easy to read and easy to understand. Don’t think it needs any comments.

Overall raid boss information

Raid boss timer is shown in the top right corner and always shows the time left for the raid boss battle. After that the rewards of CUTE coins are calculated and given out to players.

Description of raids is right under it, as well as the current victory and defeat prize pool.

Raid boss timer & prizes

Statistics are shown under the boss and they represent the server fights total (in the lower left corner) and the player’s fights total (in the lower right corner). Middle part houses the status of the raid boss and current win percentage. Just a reminder — users have to have 51% win-rate in order to successfully finish the raid.

Battle statistics — how many times server/user have participated in total.

Now the limitations for the raid bosses are visible to any new player. Also energy system was improved and should become a lot easier for users to understand. Now, if a user forgets how it works — there’s a tooltip when you slide over the “i”.

Green bar — represents the free energy that user receives every they. It doesn’t stack, so user can’t have more than 100 free energy per day.

Blue bar — represents the premium energy that user has bought. This energy always gets transferred to the next day if not used. It can store up to 200 energy.

Improved energy system

When user clicks Buy Energy — a new pop-up appears offering users two different options for buying more energy. Now it’s possible to buy more energy by paying paw coins for it as an alternative to Ether.

Buying more energy pop-up

Halloween event part two is finally here

Guys you have fought very hard in order to complete all of the quests given by the Wicked Witch of the magical forest. Although you did not manage to finish all of them, you conquered most! This leads to a fantastic new and great rewards for you to explore in the new Spirit World adventure. Spirit World also introduces a second raid boss — that is going to be available for players through “Halloween” tab. Bone Dragon is a different raid boss by itself, it’s slightly weaker and offers different rewards.

Bone Dragon Spirit Thoth

Objectives are still available for players to see the overall event progress and check that everything is fair and square.

Dragon Bone Craft is a new mechanic implemented into the game were users can craft new items and a unique pet by using a certain collectible item “Dragon Bones”. When a user has enough of the given item, he is able to exchange this item for a valuable reward.

Dragon Bones — first of its kind, a collectible

This is just a start — we have the system, so recycling, new item crafting would be a rather easy task. The future is bright and the possibilities — endless!

Dragon Bone craft is available during the Halloween part 2 of the event

Let’s not forget the new adventure — Spirit World. It’s a PVE adventure that brings some overall changes to the current bot mechanic. There won’t be any bots copying players stats — anymore. Now the bots are created by a preset and players are going to meet bots according to their cutie level.

R.I.P. meet this guy

This means that sending a naked cutie into an adventure is no more a valid strategy. Every bot is going to have a certain item set according to its level. Also — bots are now generation 0, thus bots are going to have a bonus against lower generation pets.

A new PVE adventure — Spirit World is here.

It kinda brings a new meta to Blockchain Cuties. There’s going to be a real need for items and their powers — as farming adventures against bots with naked cuties won’t be an option anymore.

Of course bots can be tweaked in the future — we will gather more statistics during the Halloween event.

Spirit World is a PVE adventure and it takes 2 hours to finish. This means that no matter what cooldown the cutie has, it will return from this adventure after 2 hours. This adventure works as any other adventure (adventure cooldown is impacted after participation).

Custom cutie bidding once again is open for a massive 50% discount!

All this hard work in Halloween challenges has opened up major discounts for all players. Enjoy two weeks of 50% discount in custom unique cuties bidding and 15% discount in Pawshop.

Bring to life your wildest ideas and compete with your unique one of a kind cuties in adventures, raid bosses and upcoming new events!

Improved performance in adventure tab

Now cuties can be sent to adventures without a hick-up. Removed an unnecessary server request after pressing “Send To Adventure” on a cutie. Now it works efficiently without having extra load times in between.

Added possibility for several loot drops

This just felt as a needed feature. Now it is possible for the drop reward system to drop several items at once. Like imagine going to Blood Moon Forest and instead of one adventure potion it could drop an amount from range of 1–5. If your’e lucky enough — you could get 5 adventure potions from just one adventure. It’s great isn’t it?

Mythic creatures

With many ideas thrown out there on to the table a lot of times it just feels like there’s no place for some cuties in our world. It’s really hard to imagine how a baby of alien and a cat would look like.. Or.. what kind of freak would Bone Dragon + Fox be!? Mythic creatures — are creatures without any particular race. They are rare and they are unique. First of its kind will be the Bone Dragon. Any player will be able to acquire it by using Dragon Bones in the Halloween event.

First of its kind — a mythic creature controlled by the players

Breeding a Mythic creature with any other cutie will result in this cuties kind. Meaning that if you bread a Bone Dragon with a dog the child is going to be a dog 100%.

What happens when you breed a Mythic with a Mythic? Well, let’s leave that for you to find out!

First ever unique creature sale on EOS

With introduction of Mythic creatures it felt right to add a new Mythic creature to EOS chain as well. Ethereum got plenty of unique cuties to be proud of like Ethor, Kitsune, Football Legend, Lord Ashe e.t.c.

Unique EOS limited edition is joining the cutie world and its quite nasty. Welcome a Mythic creature — Gryphon. It is available to any user playing Blockchain Cuties on EOS blockchain.

Gryphon — the EOS exclusive

Changed the way raid bosses appear on daily basis

Previous system was generating raid bosses randomly from a preset. This meant that every day there would be a raid boss selected randomly from pre-made presets. This lead to a problem when some raid bosses appeared more often than others. It’s an obvious problem — so we came up with a simple solution.

Raid Bosses are now sequential. This will lead to a Raid Boss pool that players are going to predict, knowing that every n-th day there’s going to be a certain raid. Start making your calendars guys!

Also changed the time when new raid bosses appear. Every new day, with new raid boss and replenished free energy is going to start from now on at midnight GMT.

Other bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed various translation issues in the game;
  • Fixed an issue when some players weren’t able to claim CUTE coins;
  • Fixed an issue with achievement “Earn x amount of ETH” rewarding player for spending 0.1 EOS;
  • Fixed special sale tab having CSS bugs (blue raid icon and other small tweaks);
  • Fixed problems with selling and buying cuties on OpenSea;
  • Fixed an issue when a new ETH player saw EOS pets as recommended for sale;
  • Added missing Sultanate set accessory item to paw shop;


There is always some work done outside of main priorities. Like new features in the works, new mechanics for players to play with etc.

Cutie grouping is one of the priorities, raid boss concept redesign & balancing, housing possibilities and other great features are already in the works.

Also lets not forget that another holiday season is almost upon us — Christmas is right around the corner!

Make sure you follow us on our social profiles like:

and here — on Ⓜ️ Medium for more updates.

Clap for respect!



Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe

First Multi-Blockchain Collectible Game With Adventures. We’re on ETH, TRON, NEO, Polygon, HECO and EOS . ⇨