Changes to Breeding Prices and Unique Cuties

Vladimir Tomko
Blockchain Cuties Universe
4 min readDec 21, 2021


Dear players, today we’d like to share with you that on:

Wednesday, December 22, 12 PM UTC+0,

we shall make our first important update to the way how breeding price is calculated in Blockchain Cuties Universe. This change, together with proposed formulas was teased since August, and many players have already started to prepare for this event by breeding lots of Cuties daily.

While some of you might argue that this change will make playing Blockchain Cuties Universe more expensive, as breeding each Cutie will cost more, but in reality it will have a positive compound effect on the game economy, as each new and existing Cutie will become more valuable, especially in the long run.

Current State of Things

Right now breeding in BCU works as described in ➡️ this Wiki article.
It is based on four variables:

  • Mom Cutie Generation
  • Dad Cutie Generation
  • Mom Cutie Breeding Cooldown
  • Dad Cutie Breeding Cooldown

Each blockchain adds specific price calculation rules that differ from chain to chain due to:

  1. blockchain technical implementations,
  2. coin USD values at the time when each chain was introduced to the game.

These things created tangible discrepancies between breeding prices on various blockchains which resulted in some becoming drastically more popular than the others, mostly due to the extremely cheap breeding costs.

Because of that some users prepare for the upcoming update too rigorously, trying to secure their positions as Cutie market leaders after the upcoming changes.

Right now, the blockchain that gets the most “breeding boom” is EOS:

– 94% of all breeds are happening on EOS
– 51,865 new EOS Cuties are born every month
– Breeding rates keep growing daily

The Plan

As current breeding costs on EOS and some other chains are almost non-existent, this in itself creates very low floor prices for such bred Cuties and thus, majority of non-specifically bred NFTs (Tributes or ones with high element stats) are devaluated as more and more Cuties enter the market.

In order to improve the situation we’ve developed a plan to completely revamp the breeding process and make it more flexible and easily adjustable in the future. New formulas will take into account things like:

  • Base Fee, currently 1 USD in crypto
  • CutiesCount or Current Cuties population on particular blockchain
  • CutiesCountBaseDivider or Cutie Population Incremental Milestone (per blockchain), which is now 10,000
  • BreedingCooldown_A — Breeding Cooldown of Cutie A
  • BreedingCooldown_B — Breeding Cooldown of Cutie B
  • TotalBReedsCount_A — Total Breeds of Cutie A
  • TotalBReedsCount_B— Total Breeds of Cutie B
  • Gen_AGeneration of Cutie A
  • Gen_B Generation of Cutie B
  • CutieNumber_A — Cutie Number of Cutie A (Cutie ID)
  • CutieNumber_B — Cutie Number of Cutie B (Cutie ID)
  • CryptoRate — Cryptocurrency Rate

The new proposed breeding formula will look like this:

New breeding formula
New breeding formula

This formula will work consistently and adjust prices on every blockchain the game supports in the same way. It will create opportunities for players to breed on on less populated blockchains and allow for more profitable engagements between Cuties that are far away from each other on the ID line.

In order to give you an approximate understanding of how it will affect the breeding (and thus the Cutie floor) prices in different scenarios, we’ve prepared this table:

New breeding formula price scenarios
New breeding formula price scenarios

P.S. Additionally Cutie birth time will also be altered along the way.

The Change, First Iteration

Because breeding mechanics on all blockchains are implemented on-chain, altering them requires us to rewrite and reupload all responsible smart contracts, which would take a lot of time, especially on chains such as NEO, which is pending for update to N3 before that.

In order to imitate the work of a new formula using the old one, we shall do manual weekly fee adjustments on all chains, which will introduce the notion of Cutie Population Incremental Milestone (10,000) to the table.

This means that more populated blockchains will become more expensive to breed on, while less populated will offer cheaper prices.

All in all, for the coming months this change will make HECO one of the most advantageous blockchain to play on, due to it having the smallest Cutie population yet and one of cheapest transaction fees on the market.

Unique Cuties

Additionally, we plan to gradually improve the status and floor prices of Unique Cuties. We shall start by providing an additional+1 Power bonus. This will go live together with the first iteration of breeding price changes tomorrow, on Wednesday, December 22, 12 PM UTC+0.

Yours sincerely,
Vladimir Tomko
CEO of Blockchain Cuties Universe

Keep rocking, keep exploring, and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

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Vladimir Tomko
Blockchain Cuties Universe

Co-founder, CEO and game producer at Blockchain Cuties, crypto games market expert. I write about games, blockchain and fintech.