How To Breed Tribute Cuties. Tips From The Master

Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe


One of the most challenging things about breeding tribute Cuties is that sometimes you don’t even know where to start.

Tribute cuties are pets inspired by famous pop culture characters. There are many of them hidden in the game. You can get one in the process of breeding.

This is why we have turned to one of the top tribute discoverers — Cathrine for guidance.

Here are Cathrine’s tips to you:

There are two ways you can approach discovering tributes:

Existing Tribute Approach

Choose the tribute Cutie that is already discovered by other players. You can find tribute cuties of a particular kind by going through golden attributes on this page.

Once you will select the golden attribute, you will see the list of all tribute cuties of this type present in the game.

Then you have two options to breed this type of Cutie:

Easiest option: Buy the tribute Cutie you want to replicate on the market and breed it with normal Cuties until you get a new tribute. This option is easy, but you will need to be quite patient with it.

More difficult option: You will have to be attentive and find out what attributes define the tribute status for a particular Cutie. This can be done by comparing and analyzing. For this to work take several tribute Cuties of the same type and compare their attributes.

Attributes for three different Manni tributes

The ones that remain the same from one tribute to another are the key.

For example, if you take Manni tribute and compare five of them, you will see that all five have the same eye color — aquamarine.

If the Cutie you breed will not have this attribute it will not become Manni.

Of course, a single attribute will not lead to discovering a tribute. This is why you will have to look at the combination of several of them.

If you dive further into the magic of breeding, you can discover the secrets of Cutie genome. Blockchain Cuties wiki has an entire article on the topic of attributes and their respective genome parts.

If you study it carefully you will see that every attribute has a very concrete place and value in the genome.

For example, the gene responsible for eye color is the 25th in the sequence.

In the case of Manni, who has a strict aquamarine eye color requirement you can find this similarity among the genomes of the Manni type Cuties.

The aquamarine attribute is the value 6. You can find this out by writing down Manni genomes and comparing them. Excel tables work best for this.

Apart from eye color, you can spot other similarities, for example, the shape of the head on the 11th genome position is 7. It is also a requirement for a Cutie to become Manni.

This genome comparison method works best to figure out what genes are required to recreate a tribute Cutie already present in the game.

After you figured out what genes you will need, it is time to search for parents in a similar way and start breeding. This process will require some patience until genome mutations and luck are on your side.

If you did everything right you will definitely get the tribute you hoped for.

New tribute approach

The second approach is more difficult since you will be searching for a Cutie no one has discovered before. In this case, you don’t have a ready formula to analyze and break down.

It all boils down to being attentive and lucky.

Have you ever played a game “find 10 differences in two pictures”? This is where you can apply those skills.

So you already know that Cuties have attributes, and behind these attributes are certain values that take certain positions in the Cutie’s genome. The conclusion is that Cutie’s appearance is defined by those values. Ears, head shape, eyes, and other traits.

Take a look at tribute Cuties on Wiki:

If you look closely you can spot similar traits among some the Cuties. For example, Beethoven and Dalmation have the same ear shape, while Eddie, Hachio, Husky, Lassie, Marnie have the same tail.

Knowing the genome behind one of them (Eddie, for example), you can inspect his tail attribute or see what value does this kind of tail in the genome. With this information, you can deduce that other tribute Cuties will have the same value in the same place.

The same analysis can be done for eye and head shapes as well as spots or other traits.

However, all this analysis will give you about half of the genome you will need. The other half is a mystery, so you will need to get lucky in breeding for all the values to fall into place and give you a brand new tribute Cutie.

There are some tribute Cuties whose pictures will be of no help to your analysis.

Developers tried hard to make this difficult for us, but this is exactly what makes tributes very valuable.

Thank you so much for your insight, Cathrine!

We hope it will help fellow Cutieneers on their road to tribute discovery.

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

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