How To Dress a Cutie Army in Five Minutes

Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe
3 min readAug 24, 2020


One of the most anticipated game features of 2020 is here!

Now you can mass-equip your Cuties.

This feature will become a significant timesaver for Cutieneers with big and medium armies.

Equipping one Cutie takes several clicks, per slot. And there are five slots per Cutie.

At this rate, equipping more than a hundred Cuties becomes a chore. And things get worse when, for example, a new season rolls around, and you need to get your Cuties in the optimal fighting shape. Redressing all of them might take a lot of time.

And now the need for hundreds of clicks is finally in the past.

To equip or reequip your army you need:

  • Items for Cuties to wear
  • Small cloth hangers*, in case you want gear replaced and not destroyed

*Small cloth hanger allows you to replace one item on a Cutie without destroying the one it initially had on. You can craft small hangers from big ones in the crafting section.

How to mass equip Cuties?

You can either choose a group to mass equip

or you can pick Cuties one by one

or use the filtering system and choose all Cuties that fit your search parameters.

Once you selected the Cuties you want to dress, click on the potion (Use Item) icon.

In the popup window choose the item type.

Then choose the item itself.

Then choose how to deal with items your Cuties already have on.

And voila! All Cuties that you picked are now wearing this item*.

*If level requirement allows it.

It is the first and fresh version of this feature. We will add more functions to it and make it even better in the future. We will also take all your feedback into account.

We hope you will have fun dressing your armies.

Good luck, Cutieneers!

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

Click here to start playing!

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Originally published at on August 24, 2020



Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe

First Multi-Blockchain Collectible Game With Adventures. We’re on ETH, TRON, NEO, Polygon, HECO and EOS . ⇨