Season 4 — The Warring States is LIVE!

Blockchain Cuties Universe


Season 4 has launched and we are very excited for all the changes this event introduces to the game! You can read this article to get a better understanding of how everything works.

Patch notes

  • Season 4 together with two reward lanes is introduced. One is free, the other is locked behind a Season Pass. The mechanic is similar to last season’s, but with new seasonal content.
  • The old markup of season lanes has been completely rewritten — it now supports drag and drop movement as well as mouse scrolling for faster and less clunky navigation

A new robust Crafting system is introduced

  • Together with The Warring States update, we’ve introduced new types of player-generated content — craftable items. All new craftable items require either ingredient only, or ingredients plus old items to be produced.
  • Crafting is conducted using a recipe system that allows having both consumable and control (unlocker) items inside each recipe.
  • Tier system for the recipes. You will be able to gauge the tier via the Crafting requirements panel above the ingredients list.
  • The system is rebuilt and now is more flexible for new mechanics addition.
  • Future updates will allow for explorative crafting and more complex game design directions for the upcoming Wars Of Cutieland.
  • More control over the content that is added to the crafting tables, which expands experimentation for the team and will give us more options to play around with on the beta server for future updates.

A completely new approach to loot boxes.

  • Now the loot boxes contain materials for crafting and players will be able to choose what items they get from those materials. It is easier to pick and choose depending on the crating needs of the players.
  • A new mechanic is introduced for the Free Season Reward lane, where players can gather damaged loot boxes and restore them through the forge to open them up and get crafting materials. In order to do that, players will need some medals.
  • Raid loot boxes are unchanged mechanically. They drop Boss gear and with some luck, you can get a Boss Crafting Token that allows crafting a Cutie that looks like the Raid Boss.

The Raid boss mechanic underwent a small update.

  • At the start of the season, there will be one Raid Boss that is available to everyone. During the season the team will add an Epic Raid Boss, that will be locked behind the Season Pass.
  • Epic Raid Boss will work similar to the normal Raid Boss, but will have other rewards for the winners and will have to be fought with a team of Cuties.
  • Epic Raid Boss will use a different kind of Energy for participation, not to take away from the usual raiding of the players.

Season Adventure changes

  • Season adventure now gives season points only for winning in the adventure and as an item drop. Meaning that players will have to send the best of their Cuties to the adventure and start winning to progress through the levels.
  • There is no more daily cap on the season points, so if you have the adventure energy, you will be able to farm the season points.

A tournament system is introduced.

  • Players are able to sign up for tournaments and fight for prizes of the tournament and accumulate Glory Points for participation and winning.
  • Glory Points are only acquirable through tournaments.
  • Glory Points can be redeemed in the Glory Shop
  • Glory Shop has a rotational system, where players can find limited-time offered recipes and materials. This store will be updated as we go and get more features in the future.
  • Future updates will add group fights, like 5x5 and so on. Get your

HP battle mechanic is introduced

  • HP battle mechanic is only available in the tournament section of the game at the start. After we run it for a bit of time under tournament setting and tweak the system, it is planned to step in as a mainstay for all battles, like Raids Boss fights and Adventures.
  • This mechanic emphasizes LUCK and EVASION stats much better and there are many viable builds right from the start of the season. With tweaks and additions to the system, the number of builds and strategies will grow, making it a game-changer in the long run.

New craft-based item power curve.

  • Most of the items now will be user-made.
  • The power curve for craftable items is a bit higher than for droppable ones, but it will require old items and will require time to craft new items. This will allow for a more active ecosystem where players trade, farm, and supply others with special or rare equipment for monetary reimbursement.
  • Quest system’s first addition
  • There are seasonal quests that players can complete to get more season points for leveling up!

Keep rocking, keep exploring, and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

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Blockchain Cuties Universe

White thunder of Blockchain Cuties. All expressed opinions and words are my own and don’t represent my employer.