Season 9 End-Summary

Blockchain Cuties Universe
7 min readAug 7, 2023


Hey, Cutieneers 👋

The season has just completed its entire run last week, and many things have happened during the season itself and some things have been delayed on our end regarding one piece of the content we’ve planned to release at the tail end of the season — Dungeon #5.

Let’s start with the season itself and go through some of the data we gathered during the event.

The Grinders

Many of the players have been working towards their goals day-to-day, grinding down the Season Points to get to the next level and enjoy their just rewards for their hard work. Some Cutieneers managed to optimize their daily intake of season points through different available avenues, topping out at 4.8 Levels Per day for the Top 1 player — Kirrikat!

Below you can see the data on the top 10 players in the ranking at the end of the season

Season Top 10 Player Breakdown

It’s very interesting to see how the top 5 Players managed to wiggle out 4+ Levels per day throughout the season and become consistent for 3 months running!

Fun fact: Every player in the Top 71 managed to acquire more than 1 Level per day. (This includes players starting off from 1.1 Level per day in season points.)

So what do 4.8 levels per day equate to in Season Points? And the answer is 433,357 Points total over the course of the whole season.

So congratulations to Kirrikat for taking the crown in the rankings, congratulations to everyone in the top 25 of the Ladder on winning something special for your efforts during the season, and congratulations to everyone in the community on a season well played! We hope that you’ve managed to reach your goals, and learned something valuable for future seasons for yourself! 🥰

With the Season Points gathering came a lot of adventuring and dungeon crawling. This means a lot of ingredients and items got farmed by the Cutieneers. These ingredients have been used for different things — crafting, unbinding, dusting in the forge, and selling on the player item market.

Let’s jump in and look at some data for stuff of that nature! 😃


First, we looked at the crafting resource use:

Ingredients used in crafting

In first position, we of course have Magic Dust. No surprises there, as it’s the main ingredient in the forge, that holds everything together in Cutieland. Nearly 154 million Magic Dust has been used in crafting throughout the season. This comes up to 1.7 million units of dust used up for crafting on a daily basis during the season by the whole community.

Second place is taken by Obsidian with 2,261,842 units used up in crafting across 90 days, or around 25,132 Obsidian per day.

The next 3 positions are somewhat close in popularity. Those are Pine, Copper, and Pearls.

With 1,211,527 Pine, 1,148,528 Copper, and 1,132,833 Pearls used in crafting during the Season, with daily averages of 13,461 for Pine, 12,761 for Copper, and 12,587 for Pearls.

Sidenote: Yule Cat’s Fur and Grylas’ Amulets come in at 11th and 14th place in the Crafting ranking with 68,083 Fur locks used in total, with approx. 756 used in crafting daily. And 32,719 Amulets have been used in crafting, with an average of 364 daily.

The Art of the Trade

Then, we have the market side of things.
Here’s some of the data we gathered on the trades during the 90-day period:

Top 5 Commodities Purchased During Season 9

As we can see, Magic Dust is as present as it can be!

With nearly 167m Magic Dust traded through 5202 trades. That’s around 32,074 Dust per trade on average.

Second place, as many have expected, is the Adventure Potions with 327,169 Potions traded, with a much smaller amount of trades being done at only 622 Deals struck, but this means that for each trade made, a whopping 526 Potions were purchased on average per deal.

Note: The big brother, Grand Adventure Potion, has been sold at 289 pieces per trade totaling 53,746 Potions Purchased.

Following the primary resources, come more ingredients for the forge!

Let’s go through the remaining top 5 commodities:

In 3rd place, we have Pine, with 4,075 Pine bought per transaction.

4th place takes Copper with approx. 2,989 Copper bought per purchase.

And in 5th place we have Wine with 4,581 Barrels sold per buy order.


With the numbers covered, let’s take a look at the dives into the icy darkness of the Jotunheim dungeons.
While there are people who like to take their time and clear stuff out thoroughly, some like to optimize their routes as much as they can in the dungeon runs. So let’s take a look at the current fastest players to dive into the dungeons.

For Twin Peaks, we have JayEm1* who managed to get their time to a brisk 01:07.341 in only 67 Clears.

Twin Peaks Current Leaderboard

In Yggsvar Lake Jay sits at the 2nd place, while Chokokush takes the crown with 01:25.360 best time in the community over 274 Clears.

Yggsvar Lake Current Leaderboard

In Glacier the very same Chokokush have taken the top 1 position in speed runs with 03:08.795 in 248 Clears, with SoulSoup being only 6.7 seconds behind with the time of 03:15.479

Glacier Current Leaderboard

And for the latest dungeon available during the season — Forests of Isvindur we again have Chokokush in first place in only 23 clears with a much larger lead of 35 seconds from the 2nd fastest clear by SoulSoup.

Forests of Isvindur Current Leaderboards

If you plan on trying your hand at clearing these faster or want to follow the leaderboard battles between the fastest in the community in the Jotunheim dungeons you can find all of these dungeons here.

Raid Bosses

Now let’s talk about bosses.

Note: The data for adventure runs and bosses are only gathered for the last month. Due to the number of runs, only the previous 30 days of data are kept to keep the game running smoothly.

With the start of the season, we have added a new newbie-friendly raid boss — Larry the Worm. In the last 30 days of the season, 489 runs have been done against the Friendly Worm Boss.

For the Cat of Jol and Grylla, the numbers stand at 34,487 and 22,357 runs made on the Season Bosses, respectively, in the last 30 days alone. Cutieneers got very busy showing the big baddies who are the bosses around here!

As this article is getting a little long, let’s cut it short for the adventures. Here are the numbers for the last 30 days of the Season activity when it comes to Ye ol’ adventures

Thanks to everyone for actively participating in the season, and going hard on the challenges the Season posed to the players!

Dungeon #5

But before we end this roundup, we have to cover the question of the 5th Dungeon that was planned to be released before the end of the season. The 5th dungeon was not released in time, so we got to thinking about how can we make up for this to our Cutieneers.

We’re excited to share that the team will release the 5th Jotunheim dungeon. Additionally, we’re making adjustments to the drop tables for the initial 4 dungeons, creating a smoother progression for the keys. This ensures that these dungeons remain enjoyable even outside of the current season, without any complications.

Furthermore, we’re introducing a special treat — the 5th Dungeon will kick off as a mini-event for the first 2 weeks. During this time, players will be able to earn Fjolrodd crafting tokens by successfully completing the dungeon, much like we did during the previous Halloween season. To craft the Cutie Token, Cutieneers will embark on a quest to gather a unique resource that they can use in the Forge to craft Fjolrodd Crafting Token.

Keep rocking, keep exploring, and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

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Blockchain Cuties Universe

First Multi-Blockchain Collectible Game With Adventures. We’re on ETH, TRON, NEO, Polygon, HECO and EOS . ⇨