Secret Way To Get The Most Out Of Winter Event
While the Blockchain Cuties team is going crazy over the big TRON update, we can discuss some important stuff.
This Monday a fellow cutieneer Ashe Black shared a curious observation in our Telegram group:
Dunno why this is but my mutants seem to bring back a lot more xmas gifts than any other cuties. Overall drop I find is 33% with a 75% drop with the mutants making up for the losers. — Ashe Black, Insightful Cutieneer
There was even a picture posted as proof:
We could not publish this research before testing it ourselves, so we established Alex’s* cutie research laboratory right next to the conspiracy department. Meaning that now we have two pillow forts in the office.
* This proud cutie institution bears Alex’s name because he was the one who gifted us a guinea pig for this research. We called it Ogly Susan.
The tests showed the following:
A cutie volunteer:
Ogly Susan:
Therefore we confirm Ashe’s theory.
Mutants are more likely to bring gifts from the Christmas adventure.
Congratulations Ashe! You are now officially a published cutie researcher.
Based on these findings to get the most out of holiday’s special adventure you can either get some mutants from the market or breed them yourself by combining two Mythic creatures. For example, like this: