Treasures Only Unique Cuties Can Get

Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe
4 min readFeb 11, 2020


In one of our previous posts, we announced an elite unique-Cutie-only adventure coming to the game.

This adventure will hold extra valuable rewards and allow only uniques to venture inside.

To check whether any of your Cuties qualify for the new adventure, go to the “My Cuties” section. Then tick off the “Show Groups” option and sort all your Cuties by unique rarity.

You can buy unique Cuties here or find them on the game’s secondary market.

Welcome to new treasures sneak peeks!

This exclusive adventure will hold twelve new never seen before in-game items.

And today, we are going to share a few sneak peeks of our absolute favorites.

A new friend

The best thing about this adventure is that your Cutie can steal a horse there.

Yes! We have prepared a horse accessory for your adorable little knights and princesses. And it looks very serious.

This horse is a part of an epic King item set that includes a full plate fit for a major conquest.

A fashionable hat

Our second favorite is the horned helmet. It is absolutely iconic in terms of its place in pop-culture. Now Cuties will get to parade around like they’re out and about fighting dragons.

The helmet looks a bit worn and rough. It is a single item that will mix well with other strong non-set items. And we can’t wait to see all the gear combos you come up with.

Halo from the other side

If you think Cuties are little angels, you will love this accessory. It has a couple of pop-culture references that you might spot in its shape. One is super nice and the other is utterly dark.

The halo is big, round and golden. It will go over the Cutie’s head, but instead of a hat, will take an accessory slot in the Cutie’s gear table.

The halo will be one of the most exquisite things a Cutie can wear. It’s hard to be more posh than this.

Not a fixing tool

Our next favorite is a hammer fit for the warriors of the faith. A futuristic melee weapon that traveled straight from a dystopian future to Cutieland.

While most Cuties wield fly swatters, someone will get a war hammer. Maybe the grim future is closer than most Cuties expect.

Little black kimo-NO

This outfit will remind you about a certain order of very aggressive parkour athletes. It’s dark, it’s gloomy, and it has danger written all over it.

This item will also have a matching hood for a complete sinister look.

We can’t wait to see your Cuties rocking these new items!

Stay tuned to see the rest of unique new treasures.

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

Click here to start playing!

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Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe

First Multi-Blockchain Collectible Game With Adventures. We’re on ETH, TRON, NEO, Polygon, HECO and EOS . ⇨