Weekly Crafting Overview: It’s Cold

Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe
3 min readJul 22, 2022


Just last week, the forge was doing great. This week, it seems that the winter has finally crept into the hottest place in Cutieland — the recycling/enchanting plant.

General statistics

Even though the stores of magic dust are still growing, other trends show signs of a slowdown.

In the last 7 days:

  • Cutieneers performed 3,7 thousand (↓ 4%) recycling operations
  • 31,5 million (↓ 8%) bottles of magic dust were created
  • 0,7 thousand (↓ 29%) items got enchanted

An average Cutieneer:

  • Produced 102 thousand (↓ 4%) bottles of magic dust
  • Enchanted 9 (↓ 27%) items

Currently, there are 338 million (↑ 7%) bottles of magic dust in the game. And an average Cutieneer owns 74 thousand (↑ 7%).


In the last seven days, the maximum level of enchantment was +5.

The only item that got to that level was Reapers Scythe.

The overall most popular item to enchant was a pair of Boxer Gloves.

Overall item enchantment stats:

  • 434 items got to level +1 (↓31%)
  • 185 items got to level +2 (↓23%)
  • 67 items got to level +3 (↓37%)
  • 35 items got to level +4 (↑3%)
  • 1 item got to level +5

It looks like the enchanting trend is correcting itself after its recent growth. The current average is about 100 items enchanted every day.


We see a slight downward trend in recycling. It might be a sign of a slowdown or just a temporary drop in activity.

Cutieneers tend to recycle about 20% of the treasures that their pets bring.

Magic dust production seems to have experienced a minor dip, but the overall trend seems as stable as ever.

We hope you enjoyed this forge overview.

Good luck with your crafting, Cutieneers!

Keep rocking, keep exploring, and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

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Blockchain Cuties Universe
Blockchain Cuties Universe

First Multi-Blockchain Collectible Game With Adventures. We’re on ETH, TRON, NEO, Polygon, HECO and EOS . ⇨ https://blockchaincuties.com