Blockchain: The India Strategy. Part 1 January 2020

Toward Enabling Ease of Business, Ease of Living, and Ease of Governance.

Hoy traemos a este espacio este Draft Discussion Paper titulado: “Blockchain: The India Strategy. Part 1 January 2020”, que como nos explica en su Foreword el Dr. Rajiv Kumar Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog:

‘Blockchain’ has emerged to become a potentially transformative force in multiple aspects of government and private sector operations. Its potential has been recognized globally, with a variety of international organizations and technology companies highlighting the benefits of its application in reducing costs of operation and compliance, as well as in improving efficiencies.

While the technical underpinnings of the technology can be intimidating to a large section of policy and decision makers — simply and functionally, blockchain can enable ease of collaboration for enterprises and the ease of living for our citizens by bringing in transparency across government and private sector interfaces.

Despite the fact that the technology is still in a nascent stage of its development and adoption as…



Juan José Calderón Amador * ✘ ★
#BDT 🤖 Blockchain & Digital Transformation ₿

ⓔlige la cadena de la vida abc1chde2ghij3… ✘ⓔ-ⓝⓐⓤⓣⓐ, ⓔ-ⓜⓔⓝⓣⓔ Sevilla★#blockchain★elearning ★Ⓐrⓣ★ education★P2P★economy★