Make a BEN Chapter

Dean Masley
Blockchain Education Network
2 min readJan 13, 2017

The Blockchain Education Network isn’t a traditional organization. We’re local first, relying on local leaders taking the initiative in their neighborhood to spread blockchain enthusiasm. Together, we’re BEN. You aren’t alone when you take on blockchain initiatives. In fact, you have a global support network of peers cheering for your success. Get started today.

START & GROW coming soon.

Why is @BlockchainEdu local first?

The thing is, the blockchain education gap is a difficult problem to solve. In our opinion, this task is best approached through the trust of peers around you, speaking your slang, and with the understanding of your priorities, obstacles, and lifestyle.

BEN wants to empower a culture of initiative. That starts first with individuals taking a stand to start having impact in their local. And the thing is, once you start at your local level, very quickly even modest efforts add up to a large impact.

And that’s how we build a future we believe in. When everyone is changing their hometowns to make them globally compatible, we can use our local money natively wherever we go. And when there’s no barriers between hubs of enthusiasm, innovation and opportunity from anywhere is accessible everywhere —we’re creating the infrastructure necessary for the unique challenges of tomorrow.

