Applications of Blockchain in Cybersecurity

Sabarish Nair
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2020

“Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world” - Ginni Rommety

Data is turning into more significant cash. Your business amasses tons of touchy data about your clients. Lamentably, this data is additionally very appealing to hackers. One of the most useful things you accomplish for digital lawbreakers is to store every last bit of it in one spot. It’s somewhat similar to putting away the entirety of your money and gems in a shoebox at home, at that point being stunned when a thief wanders off with the whole thing.

Lamentably, organizations are as yet utilizing centralized storage with regards to data. Be that as it may, this seems, by all accounts, to be evolving gradually. Blockchain-based storage arrangements are picking up prevalence. The cryptographic access key can be repudiated whenever further diminishing the danger of a break. Because of the decentralized idea of blockchain technology, hackers presently don’t have a solitary purpose of the section, nor would they be able to get to whole stores of data if they do get in. This element is one of the primary reasons why ventures are presently considering blockchain as a data privacy arrangement.

Hackers frequently access frameworks by misusing shortcomings in edge devices — these incorporate switches and switches. Different tools, such as brilliant indoor regulators, doorbells, and even surveillance cameras, are likewise helpless. The thoroughness is regularly not applied while guaranteeing whether these IoT devices are secure.

Blockchain technology can likewise ensure all the data trades occurring between IoT devices. It may be utilized to achieve close to continuous secure data transmissions and guarantee convenient correspondence between devices found a great many miles separated. Moreover, blockchain security implies that there is no centralized power controlling the network and verifying the data experiencing it. Arranging an assault would be a lot harder (if even conceivable).

DNS is generally centralized. Subsequently, hackers can break into the association between website name and IP address and unleash ruin. They can use money websites, course individuals to trick websites, or essentially make a website inaccessible. They can likewise combine DNS assaults with DDoS assaults to deliver websites unusable for expanded timeframes. The current best answer for such issues is toil log records and empowering continuous cautions for dubious exercises.

A blockchain-based system can make security one stride further. Since it’s decentralized, it would be substantially more hard for hackers to discover and misuse single purposes of weakness. Your domain data can be put away changelessly on an appropriated ledger, and permanent smart contracts can fuel the association.

As conversational business becomes more mainstream, a great deal of metadata is gathered from clients during these trades on social media.

While many messaging systems start to finish encryption, others are beginning to utilize the blockchain to secure data. Right now, most messaging applications come up short on a standard arrangement of security conventions and abound together an API system for empowering “cross-messenger” communications. The developing secure blockchain communication ecosystems tackle this issue and work towards making another system of bound together communication. Blockchain is a surprising answer because it makes sure about all data trades and empowers availability between various messaging platforms.

Regardless of where or how it’s applied, the key factor in utilizing blockchain as a cybersecurity technique is decentralization. At the point when access control, network traffic, and even data itself is not, at this point, held in an isolated area, it turns out to be considerably harder for digital lawbreakers to abuse. This can mean greater security and less weakness.

As a company, we have been working towards adding value to India’s blockchain ecosystem by contributing not only through our enterprise solutions work but also through our learning and development division. We have built platforms to accommodate multiple use cases and deliver our solutions through robust partnerships with industry leaders.

Reach out to us at to discuss any potential ideas you might have. We will be able to actualize those ideas for you and bring them close to fruition.

By Pragya Sharma

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Sabarish Nair
Editor for

Blockchain analyst with key focus on protocols & scalable industry solutions.