Blockchain For Climate Conservation

Lakshay Taneja
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2021

We have to fight climate change like we actually want to win. — Jagmeet Singh

Water Management

Blockchain technology can develop a decentralized and transparent system to ensure equal water distribution over broad geographic areas. Any centralized organization or intermediary distributor agency solely responsible for supplying water can be eliminated from the process.

Instead, a Blockchain-based platform that comprises consumers, corporations, governments all as participants for peer-to-peer communication and easy interaction between parties to discuss water conservation, preservation and distribution can be devised. A fairer, transparent system on Blockchain to decide about water fees without the involvement of illegal and third parties can be developed. Since the Blockchain is immutable, no party will tamper with the data or misuse it.

Waste Management

The present disposal of waste management is biased, lacks transparency and proper documentation. There is no adequate channel that can check the submitted, and hence these reports are freely manipulated, leading to payment frauds on a big scale.

Blockchain can abolish this fraud by offering a single decentralized P2P platform where the whole process can be traced and cross-checked.

There is no suspect regarding whether Blockchain can restore the entire waste management industry or not.


With the current recycling programs, people often don’t have good incentives to participate. The responsibility for running recycling programs often falls on each city, resulting in many places not having recycling programs. It’s also challenging to track and compare the impact of these programs.

A recycling program on the Blockchain could inspire participation by giving a financial reward in a cryptographic token in a swap for depositing recyclables like plastic containers, cans, or bottles. Similar setups already prevail in several places around the world, in particular in Northern Europe.

It would make it accessible to transparently track data like volume, cost, and profit and evaluate each location, company, or individual in the program.


When you grant to an environmental charity, it can be challenging to track where the money goes or how it is spent. Bureaucracy, corruption, and inefficiency are still typical in the charity space.

Blockchain technology can assure that money intended to be a reward for conservation or a payment to a specific cause does not flee into unintended pockets through bureaucratic labyrinths. A blockchain-based token could even be released automatically to the correct parties in response to meeting particular environmental targets.

Blockchains enable transfers without bank accounts — which is beneficial to people in countries that lack banking infrastructure. This means it’s possible to send money directly to the people who need it without going through a complex web of intermediaries or a centralized authority.

Changing incentives

Companies and individuals can be encouraged to act environmentally sustainable through the availability of information, tokenized credits being issued for taking specific actions, or blockchain-based reputation systems.

This new way could completely change the drivers of our economy and benefit us and the future generations living on our planet.

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This is a post in our Medium blog, ‘Blockchain for Everyone.’

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Lakshay Taneja
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An Aspiring Entrepreneur is how I would like to introduce myself! Connecting with new people and discuss new opportunities.