Blockchain in Agriculture

Sabarish Nair
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2020

“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” — Thomas Jefferson

Encrypted data

A blockchain speaks to encrypted records (database) that are connected (consecutive) and imparted to a group (circulated). Everybody in the group has a duplicate of the apparent multitude of records. They are put away successively, which means each new document is associated with the past, like a chain’s connections. A “block” comprises the encrypted records individuals need to store, a link to the past block safely, and the date and time it was made.

What is more, if somebody endeavors to adjust a record, the rundown contained in the next block would not coordinate anymore, showing something had been changed. On the off chance that somebody attempts to include or eliminate a whole block, everybody in the group has their duplicate of the entire chain, so it is anything but difficult to distinguish any replication that doesn’t line up with the remainder of the group.

Food safety

Second, blockchain is empowering quicker and more precise treatment of medical problems from the food safety viewpoint. A year ago, I observed a few flare-ups of E. coli or salmonella; following back to the source and figuring out what items were defiled is tedious and troublesome utilizing current frameworks. This cannot exclusively prompt more individuals to become ill, but it is exorbitant, bringing about enormous amounts of the item being discarded basically because it cannot be demonstrated; it is unaffected.

From Walmart’s exploration, current, predominately paper record-keeping frameworks take around seven days to follow through the flexible chain. Using blockchain, they had the option to abbreviate this to a 2.2-second turnaround.

Suggestions for different farms

What are the suggestions for the remainder of farms that attention on grain, hamburger, cotton, poultry, or different products? This gets somewhat harder when managing items, the issue of “blending” is likely one of the most evident obstacles to detectability by and large. When a farmer stacks a semi and takes 1,000 bushels of grain to the lift and dumps it into the 1.2-million-bushel container, a portion of the detectability is lost since that heap is presently blended in with the grain from farms from all over the district.

Each machine or terminal has its document design.

Likewise, the grower is red, the sprayer green, compost spreader yellow, farm vehicle blue, and the consolidated silver. Each machine or terminal has its document design, making getting to and sharing a total record of farm activities inside a given field troublesome.

Capture exact data

As innovation improves the admittance to data, farms should play the central part in giving this data and interfacing with shoppers who may not have the foggiest idea about the distinction between a consolidated and a search gatherer. Ensuring that information is precisely recorded and incorporates the pertinent data is a moderately simple initial step. This not exclusively would help make the exact data expected to record in a blockchain, yet it likewise assists with an active investigation. It is hard to utilize data to figure out what hybrid performs best in a particular soil type if the assortment planted was not precisely recorded.

As a company, we have been working towards adding value to India’s blockchain ecosystem by contributing not only through our enterprise solutions work but also through our learning and development division. We have built platforms to accommodate multiple use cases and deliver our solutions through robust partnerships with industry leaders

Reach out to us at to discuss any potential ideas you might have. We will be able to actualize those ideas for you and bring them close to fruition.

By Pragya

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Sabarish Nair
Editor for

Blockchain analyst with key focus on protocols & scalable industry solutions.