Blockchain Tutorial: An ideal guide to becoming a developer

Sabarish Nair
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2020

“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.”
— Herbert Spencer

Before 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto came up with Blockchain, there was not much of a market available for decentralized technologies. But Blockchain became an exception. Since its deployment, we have seen it transforming and revolutionizing record keeping, especially when it comes to Bitcoin. Hence, it is not surprising that the market today is thriving for Blockchain developers.

So, how to become a blockchain developer? You can start with something as simple as a blockchain tutorial that will also aid you in inspecting how blockchain for developers is one of the fastest-growing and demanded skills out there. In this article, BirthVenue will take you through a few basics to work essentially on.

Technical Preliminaries

You might not be expected to build a blockchain altogether, but an understanding of some basics will go with you a long way in Blockchain development. Below are listed some technical concepts you shall be thorough with:


Cryptography is an important fundamental of Blockchain programming. It is the concept on which cryptocurrencies are formed. Cryptography primarily constitutes of digital structures and hash functions. The hash functions are the mathematical equations that permit the formation of encryptions on the web. Thus, a strong base in mathematics will help you here.

Data Structure

Understanding of data structures makes the understanding of complex blockchain simple. Because in the crux, blockchain is nothing but a repetitive network of structures of data, stored in the form of blocks. Knowledge of common data structures like a binary tree, graphs, linked lists, and hash maps will be helpful.

Networking and distributed systems

Understanding of working peer-to-peer networks and distributed ledgers is imperative as part of blockchain programming. In a blockchain, technology is all about computer networks. Thus, a good hold on, say, routing, and network topologies will help you substantially.

Smart Contracts

A smart contract is a type of a blockchain program that improves on blockchain’s capabilities of secure transactions. It eliminates the need for a mediator so there is no need for a third party for verifying purposes.

A smart contract is a complex concept, but its auditing and optimization is something not a lot of blockchain developers are comfortable with. Thus, having a firm hand here will make you stand out in the crowd.


If you are inclined towards software development. DApps, or Decentralized Applications, is the way to go. DApps are software build on blockchain. There are a plethora of platforms available where you can build a DApp. Some of them are listed below:


Hyperledger is an open-source collaborative platform for cross-industry technological blockchain development. It is hosted by the Linux Foundation.


A smart-contract oriented, Ethereum is one of the most popular platforms available. It has its language, called Solidity, which is like C++ and JavaScript.


NEO is a platform where you can use different languages, unlike Ethereum. It is beneficial for processing a lot of transactions in a limited interval of time.

Categories of Blockchain Development

Being a Blockchain developer is not limited to building a blockchain. There are a variety of things you can do, like:

Smart contract engineers

If you are familiar with any of the smart contract languages, like Python, you can get involved here. Your work role can consist of auditing and developing smart contracts for meeting with users and buyers.

Backend Developers

If designing and developing APIs for blockchain integration rings a bell in your head, this one is for you. You can also be required for technical support and performing testing.

Blockchain specific

Development of DApps, Supervising and managing projects, Creating Apps according to company needs are some of the things you can be needed to work on here.

Birthvenue courses have got it all covered for you and now the time has come to go for the right course for you. The goal of our course is to:(i) Provide an advanced understanding of the various concepts of Blockchain technology, (ii) Determine the specific business situations where Blockchain technology can be deployed to solve important problems, (iii) Understand the architecture and framework for blockchain implementation, (iv) Beginner level smart contract deployment and dApp development.

Reach out to us at to discuss any potential ideas you might have. We will be able to actualize those ideas for you and bring them close to fruition.

By Pragya Sharma

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Helping you understand the fundamentals of blockchain and develop elegant blockchain solutions to empower your successful businesses into new technology spaces, BirthVenue.



Sabarish Nair
Editor for

Blockchain analyst with key focus on protocols & scalable industry solutions.