How Artificial Intelligence is reforming the world of Education

Sabarish Nair
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2020

“The goal is to turn data into information and information into insight.” — Carly Fiorina

Artificial intelligence, along with Data Sciences, has managed to find applications in various fields over the past few years. One of the most essential and prominent sectors is unquestionably Education. Researchers have claimed that AI, Data Sciences, and Machine learning can level up the traditional education system, making it a lot more efficient.

This guide will discuss the restrictions the current education structure is holding, and how data sciences can fix them up.

Flexible study hours

The next generation is not in the trades of the 90s anymore. They are inclined to multitask on their smartphones and tablets on their preferred time. AI-based applications provide them this flexibility where students can study anytime, anywhere. Moreover, doubt and feedback sessions with teachers can take place in a real-time mode. This can help improve a student’s performance as he gets to study when he wants to, and it can also aid teachers in identifying the areas a student needs assistance with.

Adaptive learning

AI and data sciences can adapt to a student’s IQ level and interest topics. This helps the students work on their weak areas and rigid the stronger ones. Rather than a fixed staircase learning method for everyone, it helps optimize subjects on an individual basis.

Modified Curriculum

With AI, teachers are blessed with the gift of time. They do not need to develop the entire curriculum from scratch anymore. Neither do they need to spend long hours searching for required study materials? AI and data sciences also help figure out the current trends of skill sets in the market, ultimately assisting the tutors in building a curriculum suitable for students to fit into the competitive era they belong to. Data science is done by taking insights from available data and predicting future market trends for a better-designed curriculum.

Smart content and global learning

Quick content refers to a variety of upgraded methods of “learning made easy.” Various smart content platforms, like Netex learning, are focusing on creating intelligent content platforms with features like digitized curriculum and real-time feedback.

Another advantage of AI in Education in global learning. Now, a classroom is not limited to four walls. Students can get access to how their peers in another corner of the world are heading towards a better future and then take informed steps towards their future.

Existing AI-based solutions like CTI, ThinkerMath, Little Dragon, and Brainy are transforming the world of Education like never, and the world cannot wait to see the fruitful results.

As a company, we have been working towards adding value to India’s AI ecosystem by contributing not only through our enterprise solutions work but also through our learning and development division. We have built platforms to accommodate multiple use cases and deliver our solutions through robust partnerships with industry leaders.

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By Pragya Sharma

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Sabarish Nair
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Blockchain analyst with key focus on protocols & scalable industry solutions.