Metaverse Real Estate in a Virtual Land Boom

Lakshay Taneja
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2022

What is the metaverse?

The most Common chances are good. You at least have some main perceptive of the metaverse, but just in a way you don’t, here’s a super-easy explanation of what the metaverse is: The metaverse is a set of many-user platforms that allow users to interact in real-time. Often, they have regional economies, allowing for buying, selling, and trading of in-platform objects or mining of crypto coins.

What does it take to invest in virtual real estate?

The price you’ll pay for a portion of virtual real estate is based upon most of the similar factors you’d use to determine the value of a part of physical real estate: location, lot size, actual structures, and demand all play a massive role in valuation.

The metaverse: Buy or pass?

Entering into the metaverse as a real estate buyer is a whole different story. There is undoubtedly history demonstrating that the metaverse real estate can gain substantial value over time. Still, there’s also an equally good chance that any given metaverse platform is going to end up being a virtual empty town at any given time for any possible reason or no reason at all.

Real estate in the metaverse is an extraordinarily risky investment. You have to believe the platform will exist far enough into the future that you can cash your money back out and make a surplus. It’s certainly possible, but the metaverse idea is still so shaky that its members continue to struggle to define themselves in any straightforward way.

Some of these platforms will almost certainly make it, but knowing which will make it and which will end, well, that’s anybody’s guess right now. For example, Decentraland was among the earliest, and it will likely remain a player for some time due to high-value buy-ins, but that also makes it a very expensive bet to take on lots there. On the other hand, brand new spaces like The Sandbox are superb hot right now, but it’s going to be difficult to know if they’ll stay longer or if this is more buildup driving prices rather than actual long -term interest from users.

Virtual land as an NFT

Transactions in the virtual world are generally money-based using cryptocurrency. However, other than cryptocurrencies, non fungible tokens (NFTs) are the primary method for monetizing and exchanging monetary worth within the metaverse.

An NFT is a rare digital asset. Although NFTs are primarily items of digital art (such as videos, images, music, or 3D objects), a collection of assets may constitute an NFT — including virtual real estate. There are now plots of land or even virtual houses on platforms like OpenSea, where people buy and trade NFTs.

The future of metaverse real estate

Financial motivation aside, you may be wondering what companies and individuals will do with their virtual land.

For example, the Metaverse Group’s purchase is in Decentraland’s fashion precinct. According to the buyer, the space will host digital fashion clothes events and sell virtual clothing for avatars — another potential area for the rise in the metaverse.

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Lakshay Taneja
Editor for

An Aspiring Entrepreneur is how I would like to introduce myself! Connecting with new people and discuss new opportunities.