Role of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

Sabarish Nair
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2020

“The blockchain symbolizes a shift in power from the centers to the edges of the networks.” ~William Mougayar

Blockchain is, as the name recommends, a chain of blocks. In any case, rather than a physical chain, computerized data (the block) is put away in a public database (the chain). At the point when a block stores new data, it is added to the blockchain. With the goal for this to be done effectively, four things must occur:

  1. A transaction must happen — After creating an online buy, a block will assemble many transactions so a person’s purchase will be bundled in the block alongside other clients’ transaction data too.
  2. That transaction must be confirmed — Following a buy, a network of PCs examines over every transaction to guarantee it occurred in the manner a client said it did. The network affirms the purchase, including the time, sum, and members of a transaction, surprisingly fast.
  3. That transaction must be put away in a block — Following confirmation, the transaction advances the go beyond. The transaction’s subtleties are put away in a block and will join many comparable transactions like it.
  4. That block must be given a hash — Once the entirety of the block’s transactions has been confirmed, it must be given an exceptional, recognizing code called a hash. After hashing, the block can be added to the blockchain.

There are a few critical manners by which blockchain for the supply chain can be utilized. These are:

Provenance tracking — Large associations have complex supply chains. This implies it is a lot harder to monitor all records for global organizations. This absence of straightforwardness can influence associations altogether. A blockchain-based supply chain, the board, record keeping, and provenance tracking are more straightforward as item data is gotten to by implanting sensors and RFID labels.

Cost decrease — Real-time tracking of an item in the supply chain through blockchain assistance can diminish the general expense of moving things in a supply chain. Following an overview of supply chain laborers by the Digital Supply Chain Institute, more than 33% of individuals referred to a decrease of expenses as the highest advantage of blockchain in the supply chain the board.

Setting up a trust — Developing trust in complex supply chains with vast quantities of members is critical to smooth tasks. For instance, if a producer imparts its items to providers, the maker ought to have the option to rely upon that provider to observe production line wellbeing norms.

As a company, we have been working towards adding value to India’s blockchain ecosystem by contributing not only through our enterprise solutions work but also through our learning and development division. We have built platforms to accommodate multiple use cases and deliver our solutions through robust partnerships with industry leaders.

Reach out to us at to discuss any potential ideas you might have. We will be able to actualize those ideas for you and bring them close to fruition.

By Pragya Sharma

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Sabarish Nair
Editor for

Blockchain analyst with key focus on protocols & scalable industry solutions.