Law schools, blockchain, and the next generation of lawyers

Academic Alliance
Blockchain for Law
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2017

Blockchain is dramatically affecting key elements of the traditional way that law has been practiced. Clearly, it will have a massive impact on how the next generation of lawyers will practice law. But how ready is that generation for the changes they face? What are law schools doing to prepare them?

A recent study identified at least 38 US law schools that offer programs or courses that explore technology as it pertains to law. In addition, some of the more technology-mindful schools also offer extracurricular opportunities that expand students’ understanding of emerging technologies.

Other institutions offer useful training in the convergence of the two disciplines, as well. MIT, although it does not have a law school, offers courses and extracurricular activities that explore the effect that blockchain and other technologies exert on the legal profession.

Training in these technologies is not limited to the US. Such opportunities exist around the world. Institutions in Canada, Cyprus and South Africa, to name just three countries, regularly hold training on blockchain and related technologies designed to help lawyers fulfill their duty to remain professionally competent.

Although it’s encouraging to see that at least 38 law schools include technology-related courses in their curricula, it means that nearly 200 recognized law schools do not. Furthermore, according to the survey, some law schools offer nothing more than one basic overview course on “Technology and Law” — hardly enough to prepare students for the brave new world they will face.

Some of the 38 law schools offer even less. Among the courses considered in the survey to focus on technology were ones on how to make effective use of Microsoft Word, Excel, PDFs and off-the-shelf case management software. That’s a pretty low bar for a school purported as tech savvy.

In addition, while the extracurricular activities offered by some law schools are valuable, treating them as extras sends a dangerous message. It suggests that technologies currently disrupting traditional law practice are nothing more than minor specialties for future lawyers whose interests run in that direction rather than essential elements of what all lawyers will face in their careers.

The fact that technology education in law schools is growing is an encouraging — and much-needed — trend. It is incumbent on law schools that have not yet gotten onboard to recognize that these technologies are rapidly bringing massive changes to the practice of law and will keep evolving in new and unexpected ways.

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Academic Alliance
Blockchain for Law

Building a Global Community Around the Uses of Blockchain Technology in Law