Game NFT Makers: how to get started

Blockchain Game Alliance
Blockchain Game Alliance
4 min readSep 29, 2020

The Blockchain Game alliance invites you to join a panel conversation on the topic of Game NFT Makers: How to Get Started with guest speakers Steve Wand (Game Credits and Digitable), Craig Russo (Polyient), Tim Dierckxsens (Arkane) and Alex Russman (Enjin). Join our live talk on the Blockchain Game Alliance channels on Thursday, Oct 1st at 5pm CEST on YouTube and Twitter

During this live talk our guest speakers will be talking about their experience in the NFT gaming industry, with a focus on what it takes to get started as a maker. The increasing interest around blockchain games and NFTs has boosted a number of projects which have seen their offer evolve at speed. Hear from some of the most influential and disruptive organisations discussing what is specific to games for NFTs that differ from other classes of NFTs. If you are a developer and want to learn more about our guest speakers views on whether to choose to work with game NFT making platforms or building your own.

Discover our guests views on how to leverage the interoperability of NFTs across game platforms and whether a developer should create their own game and NFT assets or choose to join a game NFT making platform;

A practical guide on how to get started in this industry and move the first steps as a developer, creative or manager.

Guest Speakers

Tim Dierckxsens is the Co-Founder of Arkane Network, the developer-friendly blockchain platform and wallet provider. In 2020, Arkane graduated from imec.Istart business accelerator and shifted their industry-agnostic approach to focus on helping game studios and publishers leverage the benefits of the technology. Tim has a Master’s degree in Business Science and earned a professional degree in Business Analysis at The Master Labs. He loves to learn, play tennis, share ideas and foster great relationships.

Steve Wand comes from the financial world prior to him joining the blockchain space in 2013. His energy and love for all things both digital and collectible have led him to the GameCredits project. Steve travels the World helping spread the message of blockchain and cryptocurrency and he serves as GameCredits’ marketing specialist for this very reason. GameCredits is well represented on the global stage due to Steve’s desire to spread the virtues of the platform and technologies to the public.

Alex Russman is the Director of Business Development at Enjin. Enjin’s ecosystem of integrated products makes it easy for everyone to develop, trade, monetize, and market with blockchain. Alex oversees the Enjin Adopter Program and the relationships with over 30 developer teams using Enjin’s products to integrate blockchain assets in their games.

Craig Russo is co-founder of SludgeFeed, a leading news outlet covering crypto- and blockchain-adjacent industries. He has written more than 3,000 articles covering everything from non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to Dapps to crypto-investing to esports and beyond. Prior to co-founding SludgeFeed, Russo also worked with PureTech Ventures, where he was instrumental in helping build biotech startups such as Karuna Therapeutics and Follica. Russo earned top biotechnology innovator honors from Xconomy in 2017 and worked in several leading neuroscience labs at Harvard University.

About the Blockchain Game Alliance

The Blockchain Game Alliance is an organization committed to promoting blockchain within the game industry.

Our goal is to spread awareness about blockchain technologies and encourage adoption by highlighting their potential to foster new ways to create, publish, play, and build strong communities around games.

All BGA members of September 202

The BGA also provides an open forum for individuals and companies to share knowledge and collaborate, create common standards, establish best practices, and network.

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Blockchain Game Alliance
Blockchain Game Alliance

The Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) is a coalition of game and blockchain companies committed to advocating for blockchain technology within the game industry.