The Blockchain Game Alliance at the Pocket Gamer Connects

Blockchain Game Alliance
3 min readFeb 17, 2022

On the 14 and 15th of February was held the Pocket Gamer Connects in London, the leading mobile gaming industry conference. During that event, the Blockchain Game Alliance had a booth with the purpose to promote the organization to key players of the gaming industry.

Spread awareness about blockchain technologies

Attending the conference and having our own booth allowed the Blockchain Game Alliance to be visible to potential future members interested to join the BGA for different reasons. We aimed to encourage discussions with several types of movers in the gaming sector :

  • Gaming companies : willing to capitalize on BGA network to connect and promote their [upcoming] blockchain games or willing to put a first step on blockchain technology in their development.
  • Investments firms : for 1to1 connection with quality games with high growth potential.
  • e-sport professionals : understanding the opportunity for blockchain games to capitalize on e-sport in the development of their community.
  • event organizers such as Steelmedia : discussing the potential of BGA networks for future events(panels prepared by BGA members, …)
  • developers : working on blockchain game initiatives and looking for networking opportunities

The BGA dinner : Discuss, Share & Learn

We also took the opportunity to gather 40 BGA members available in London for a dedicated dinner all together. A great moment of sharing that we hope everyone enjoyed. Seeing some smiling faces, we are tempting to say that was a success.

Finally, not only the conference helped us to meet some members face to face, but also allowed BGA members to set meeting with each other. It confirms our goal to share knowledge and collaborate all together.

We had fun seeing some of our members and hope to see you on the next one !

About the Blockchain Game Alliance

The Blockchain Game Alliance is an organization committed to promoting blockchain within the game industry.

Join BGA as a Sponsor

Our goal is to spread awareness about blockchain technologies and encourage adoption by highlighting their potential to foster new ways to create, publish, play, and build strong communities around games.

Join BGA as Member

The BGA also provides an open forum for individuals and companies to share knowledge and collaborate, create common standards, establish best practices, and network.

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