A plea to unite around Bitcoin for bulletproof infrustructure

Eugene Lukyanov
2 min readMay 13, 2018


For as long as 9 years of circulation and 9 and a half years of ideological existence of Bitcoin we are still in the beginning of the road.
With so many attempts of creating numerous cryptocurriencies and many dying afterwards, the situation reminds me of a battlefield covered in crypto-blood. Many “brave” crypto-warriors challenged Bitcoin, some even not once and even less are still doing it, having forgotten, misunderstood or even lost the ideological implication of Bitcoin.
And this, in my opinion, was an inevitable but a mistakable wrongdoing. Instead of concentrating the common knowledge and attempts to add value to bitcoin as a core of crypto-ecosystem the bold crypto-challengers decided to either prove bitcoin wrong or bite a bigger piece of pie creating obvious frauds with their own “better” coins and ICOs.

Don’t get me wrong, there are still opportunities for some crypto as well as tokens to live and bring some added value to crypto-ecosystem but they will never really compete with Bitcoin. Imagine a core of the earth in its very beginning of existence forming out of the star dust with some “hardforks” and alterations that were performed due to physics laws to let the biological life as we know it ignite and start to bloom. Would you dare to change the physics laws and earth’s core now knowing it would possibly kill the biological life?
So I wouldn’t dare changing the laws in bitcoin either but would build the infrastructure on top of it using the existing laws.

Now let me ask you what’s the point of creating another Earth’s core? None! Another planet, as a test site? May be!( Example: Bitcoin-Earth, Litecoin — it’s artificial moon; Monero — Mars, Karbo — its small twin planet)
In the era of globalization and unification thanks to crypro-anarchists we may all unite and live on the same planet with decentralized rules and test sites to test our ideas, views and surmises. What kind of a scientific approach it would be without any of those? But we have to realize though and ready to pay the price, literally, with our money, ’cause we have to remember we might be very well wrong at the end of the day.

Consider this a call, a plea to unite in building a global infrastructure on bitcoin to hasten the arrival of real economic freedom and raising the efficiency of technological and economical development.
Lightning Network was the first step and off-chain solution for instant payments. Now we need more confidentiality in Bitcoin (which we now see in CryptoNote coins like Monero, Karbo and Aeon) with either Bulletproofs or Mimblewimble side-chain proposals and off-chain solution for smart-contracts working in a decentralized manner on Bitcoin network as a 2nd layer, which in my personal opinion is much better than blockchain solution in Ethereum due to numerous problems arisen earlier (and possibly more to be arisen later) because of its “Turing-completeness” nature.

