Quantum Computing: A Prelude to the Next Tech

Kartikey Tandon
Blockchain Research Lab
5 min readNov 7, 2023

Step into the fascinating world of quantum computing, where bits can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously, opening doors to a realm of computing power that defies the limits of classical technology.

Quantum Computing Cover
Quantum Computing Cover

Imagine a problem so complex that it would take 10,000 years to be solved by a Classical Computer, now let’s flip the cards, what if we can solve the same problem in 200 seconds? Sounds like a page from a sci-fi novel, doesn’t it? No, it’s not the result of magical wand — it’s the reality of Quantum Computing.

What Exactly Is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform incredibly fast and powerful calculations.

Let’s flip a coin, what are the possibilities? Heads & Tails, smooth, right? Let’s deal it in bits, 0 & 1, fair enough? We can counter either of the two, but what if both results are possible at the same time? This is what Quantum Computing has to offer, it offers a variety of result instead of one. To keep it straight, these bits are in the state of superposition and we call them qubits. Imagine two dice, each displaying every number from 1 to 6 at the same time. That’s the quantum magic of superposition.

What are Qubits?

Like bits, Qubits or Quantum Bits are the basic unit of information in Quantum Computing. A qubit plays a similar role as a bit, in terms of storing information, but it behaves much differently because of the quantum properties on which it’s based.

In a QC, a number of particles like electron can be used with their charge acting as 0 or/and 1, each of these bits is known as qubit. The nature of the particles or particularly Qubits forms the basis of Quantum Computing.

How does it work?

To grasp quantum computing, it’s essential to understand some quantum physics basics. Quantum mechanics tells us that particles like electrons can exist in multiple states at once until observed. Quantum gates manipulate qubits to perform computations. These gates are like mathematical operators that change the probabilities of different outcomes.

Superposition example
Superposition example

Think of quantum gates as gatekeepers of quantum states, allowing for complex calculations. While classical computers evaluate one possibility at a time, quantum computers explore multiple possibilities in parallel, making them exponentially faster for specific tasks. Recall the example of two dice.

Classical Computers vs Quantum Computers

Bits vs Qubits
Bits vs Qubits

Look at the figure, by now this must have been clear that Classical computers generate a single result (set of fixed result) but in Quantum computing there is a superposition, it generates a variety of results, therefore the margin of error in the results is very high.

One of the interesting fact is that Quantum computers are operated in ultracool space, unlike our systems which can be operated at room temperature. Reason being, heat causes errors in the qubits that are the building blocks of a quantum computer and therefore the margin of error increases as the states are disturbed.

Quantum computers shine in certain problem domains, particularly those involving vast datasets and complex calculations. One example is factoring large numbers. Classical computers take hell lot of time to crack such codes, but quantum computers can do it efficiently.

In 2019, Google scientists claimed that the company’s quantum computer, known as Sycamore, had solved a problem in 200 seconds that an ordinary computer would take 10,000 years to crack. This was one of the first proof of how powerful a Quantum computer can be.

Applications & Implications

Quantum computing isn’t just about code-breaking. It has n number of applications. Imagine revolutionizing drug discovery by simulating molecular interactions with incredible precision, optimizing supply chains to reduce waste, or revolutionizing AI algorithms. It all comes down to using the technology for human good. The possibilities are mind-boggling.

While this technology is crucial for cracking and enhancing encryption, however, there are concerns too. The immense processing power of quantum computers poses a potential threat to current encryption methods, prompting researchers to develop quantum-resistant encryption.

Along with that, the rise in the popularity and usability of Quantum Computing technology may lead to economic disruption if quantum computing becomes mainstream, requiring adaptation and investment.

Remember the cold war? When USSR and America competed in the space race, it’s just like that, Countries will compete and this may lead to Geopolitical Competition, Quantum computing is seen as a strategic technology, leading to global competition and potential tensions among nations.

The QC Race

The race for quantum supremacy is on. Tech giants like IBM and Google, alongside numerous startups, are competing to build practical, scalable quantum computers. Significant milestones are already achieved, with quantum computers boasting more qubits and longer coherence times than ever before.

Google QC Space
Google QC Space

As the race heats up, breakthroughs are inevitable, bringing us closer to a future where quantum computing becomes a part of our daily lives.

You might wonder, “When can I get my hands on a quantum computer?” While full-scale quantum computers are still on the horizon, cloud-based quantum computing services are democratizing access. Platforms like IBM Quantum Experience and Amazon Braket allow researchers and developers to experiment with quantum algorithms. The future of QCs is not far, merely 5–10 year when we’ll a part of it too, when we’ll be impacted by the technology.


In short, quantum computing is more than a buzzword. This is a revolution with profound implications for technology, science and humanity. As we uncover the mysteries of the quantum world, we must stay informed and participate in developments in this field.

Quantum computing is about to revolutionize business, solve previously insurmountable problems, and challenge our understanding of computing. It’s a journey worth taking, and the destination is destined to be extraordinary. As we descend to the quantum limit, remember that the best is yet to come. The future of technology is quantum and it is an exciting journey that we are all a part of.

Here’s a good read where you can explore more. Happy reading!

