Driving global prosperity with blockchain technology.

How Blockchain Technology is Transforming Sustainable Development

Founders in Focus Episode #4

Julien Breteau
3 min readJan 29, 2018


Here we are with Episode #4 of our Founders in Focus series. A show that gives you unprecedented access to the most influential startup founders in the world of blockchain. We’re on a mission to educate and inform founders and investors on the current affairs of the blockchain industry, providing an accurate and up to date perspective on the competitive business environment, global investment landscape, and the leaders who are changing the game.

I first came across the ixo foundation just a few short weeks ago. As soon as I found out about them, I knew I had to get them on the show. The Ixo Foundation is a fascinating project, and Dr Shaun Conway (Founder and President of Ixo) is an inspirational figure in the space of international development and the impact economy. Tune in as we discuss:

  • What the impact economy is
  • The key challenges and issues facing the industry
  • How blockchain technology is helping to solve these problems
  • Shaun’s deeply impressive entrepreneurial and medical background
  • The success of the Ixo Foundation’s early childhood development program with Amply
  • And what keeps him motivated to solve some of the world’s biggest problems

ixo Foundation is a South African organization leveraging blockchain technology to optimize sustainable development impact. Using the ixo protocol, organizations and funders can use a decentralized impact exchange to create verified impact claims, essentially “proof of impact”. This proof can be used to access social impact bonds and government subsidies, and drives down the cost of evaluation. The data from these impact claims becomes a part of a global impact ledger, an open data commons that organizations, governments, and researchers can access to make informed decisions and optimize impact initiatives. ixo is proud to be partnered with Singularity University Venture, Innovation Edge, and UNICEF.

Shaun is an explorer and creative thinker who is on a personal quest to discover, design and invest in better ways for people to meet their health and human development needs.

Working as a medical doctor and international development practitioner, his career mission has been to increase access to better quality health services and life-saving medical interventions.

He has pursued this through conceptualising and implementing innovative development projects and by founding ambitious social ventures that have become successful programmes at scale and sustainable enterprises that continue to deliver social impacts.

Shaun Conway:
LinkedIn | Twitter

Ixo Foundation:
Website | Facebook | Medium

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Want to feature on the show? Reach out to me at julien@intrepid.ventures and tell me why you should be on the show.



Julien Breteau
The Blockchain Review by Intrepid

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