Grace Zhai
The Blockchain Review by Intrepid
3 min readMar 19, 2019


Here’s what’s in store for you this week: Tether’s USDT stablecoin may not be backed by fiat alone, and a discussion on the future of blockchain. We’ve got thoughts from the Blockchain Review on the Renewable Energy Internet, as well as insights on the benefits and dangers of using blockchain explorers, and more. Check it out below!

Key news highlights. What’s going on in the world of Blockchain?

Tether Says Its USDT Stablecoin May Not Be Backed By Fiat Alone
Tether (one of the most popular stablecoins) has updated the terms on its website, saying that its dollar-pegged USDT stablecoin may not be backed 100 percent by fiat reserves. What are the other types of reserves that back the coin and what implications can this change have?
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“Blockchain Will Be Most of the Economy in 10–20 Years”
Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Joseph Lubin said that he expects that blockchain will be involved in most of the economy. During Lubin’s keynote, he pointed out that just as nowadays there aren’t many “normal” people using blockchain-based systems, “there weren’t a lot of ‘normal’ people firing email around in 1983.”
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The latest insights, thoughts, and analysis from the Intrepid Team

Blockchain and the Renewable Energy Internet
Prominent thinkers in the fields of behavioural science and complexity theory are embracing a more interdisciplinary approach to examine the environmental effects of human-led climate change. Here is a comprehensive article about the machine age and its side effects on the environment, the evolution of the world’s energy needs, and how blockchain technology could help create a new energy-efficient global economy.
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Articles, white papers, ebooks, and more

The Benefits and Dangers of Block Explorers
As many may know, blockchain explorers (e.g. Ethereum block explorer, Bitcoin block explorer) help us to see cryptocurrency transactions and related data. But is it really all that important? Why would the average user care? Do I have to use a block explorer at all? Here’s a look at both ends of the argument.
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Bitcoin ATM Map
Have you seen a Bitcoin ATM before? Most locations usually have 2 machines - one for depositing your local currency to convert to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies; and another ATM for withdrawing your local currency from a cryptocurrency wallet. Coin ATM Radar provides a useful map to locate cryptocurrency ATM across 73 countries in the world. Explore the map and maybe you’ll find an ATM in your city.
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We Must Protect Our Ability to Transact Privately Online
Without cryptocurrency, a cashless society is a surveillance society.” A question we often get when talking to policymakers is whether cryptocurrency is anonymous. And if it is, what can be done to address it? The implication is that anonymity is a bad thing. How true is this perception? Here’s a deeper dive into the topic.
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Want to learn more about blockchain? Check out our micro-site How Does the Blockchain Work, a clear and non-technical guide on how blockchain, Bitcoin, and Ethereum works, and more. Check it out.

