Grace Zhai
The Blockchain Review by Intrepid
3 min readApr 16, 2019


Here’s what’s in store for you this week: East Asia moves towards greater support for cryptocurrency, and the IMF and World Bank join the exploration of blockchain technology. We’ve got thoughts from the Blockchain Review on the Renewable Energy Internet, as well as insights on crypto exchange volumes, crypto asset correlations, and more. Check it out below!

Key news highlights. What’s going on in the world of Blockchain?

East Asia is Cryptocurrency Frontline as Regulation Develops in China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan
While it was reported that China’s economic planning agency was considering a ban on Bitcoin mining, the rest of East Asia seems to be moving in a completely opposite direction. Here’s how Japan, Korea and Taiwan are moving towards greater support for cryptocurrency, with even North Korea moving into the picture.
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IMF and World Bank Launch Quasi-Cryptocurrency in Exploration of Blockchain Tech
The newly launched private blockchain supporting the asset called “Learning Coin” will be accessible only within the IMF and World Bank. Although the coin has no monetary value, its launch will help the organisations better understand the technologies that underlie crypto assets, and how they can enhance the overall level of financial transparency.
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Wash Trading: More than 80% of TRON and ETC Trading Volume is Bogus
The Blockchain Transparency Institute (BTI) — a group of blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts, researchers and devotees who aim to clean up the industry as much as possible — has published a Market Surveillance Report saying that 85% of Tron and Ethereum Classic traded volumes were falsified. Here are specific details about the fabrications.
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The latest insights, thoughts, and analysis from the Intrepid Team

Blockchain and the Renewable Energy Internet
Prominent thinkers in the fields of behavioural science and complexity theory are embracing a more interdisciplinary approach to examine the environmental effects of human-led climate change. Here is a comprehensive article about the machine age and its side effects on the environment, the evolution of the world’s energy needs, and how blockchain technology could help create a new energy-efficient global economy.
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Articles, white papers, ebooks, and more

Binance Research: Investigating Cryptoasset Cycles
This newly released report looks at changes in cryptoasset correlations based on market structure. Factors that contribute to changes in correlations between crypto assets include news and catalysts, exchanges the crypto assets are listed on, the proportion of institutional to retail investors, consensus mechanisms, and more. Here’s a closer look at why.
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Market Surveillance Report: Blockchain Transparency Institute (BTI)
The latest report comes on the heels of the Bitwise presentation to the SEC on real bitcoin trade volume on exchanges. In this report, BTI uses its new algorithms designed to catch the actual accounts doing the wash trading, and reveals verified exchanges with real volume.
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Designing DLT for Mass Adoption
Blockchain incompatibility has prompted the idea of “Layer 3” solutions. What exactly are Layer 3 solutions, and the other layers below it? In this piece, we will take a glance at the main pain-points of existing blockchains and the solutions which aspire to alleviate them as we move towards mass adoption.
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Want to learn more about blockchain? Check out our micro-site How Does the Blockchain Work, a clear and non-technical guide on how blockchain, Bitcoin, and Ethereum works, and more. Check it out.

