Blockchain Studio Events

Lucas Pérez
Blockchain Studio BR
3 min readFeb 8, 2019
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One important component of a business strategy is to be present, and we cana chieve this in many ways, networking, events, direct marketing, social media marketing, among others. We consider a very effective way to show our expertise and know-how participating in events, but when we are invited to present our ideas in an event it's even better!

This was the case in two great events we attended, being represented by David, Blockchain Studio's founder, and QR Capital's CTO, where he was invited to speak about the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and technology markets. And in a third event we hosted and was presented by me, CEO of Blockchain Studio, Felipe Van de Sande, CSO of from the Investtools group and André Kelmanson, Investtools CEO.

One of these events was organized by and was part of the Innovation day on the IRB (Brazilian Re-insurance Institute) and counted with 400 people. David presented a Ted talk-style explanation about Fintechs and showed precisely what we believe the new technologies (mainly blockchain) are about: trust! He made a great point about the lack of credibility in the traditional institutions leading people to decentralized solutions in order to be able to trust. Trust not only due to the technology but also because these solutions are thought and presented by their peers, someone that had their same problem and found solutions for themselves and are sharing with others. So you can trust there are others like you with the same interests and even if they don't share the same interests the technology can protect your end.

The other event was held on UFRJ and was part of a 3 days event about finances. It counted with 100 people and several important people from the finance market were present. David took that opportunity to explain to the people present that the crypto assets are safe and part of a new decentralized, trust-based and technology-based economy.

The event held by us counted with 15 people that we considered to be an audience that could enjoy, learn and be interested in the content and in our expertise. The first part was presented by André. He explained how Investtools was conceived and created along with his trajectory in the finance world. He presented the solutions the company provides like Perform It for investment funds back office and Gauge Invest for investments performance tracking.

The second part was presented by Felipe Van de Sande, he explained in a spectacular manner how blockchain works to be understood and interesting to the expert and to the lay. He also explained how several cryptocurrencies behave and how the blockchain technology was developed since the first piece of technology that was incorporated in the process.

The third part was held by me and was much more practical. I delivered a workshop of blockchain development to teach and help programmers how to use this incredible technology.

Both of these events were also a great opportunity to make contacts for future partnerships and business also. What we have learned from attending events is to always be present, you must make yourself known!

