Community Token Announcement - Blockchain Talks

Luuk Weber
Blockchain Talks
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2019
Blockchain Talks Community Token pilot starting February 14th

TLDR: Starting February 14th Blockchain Talks will run a Community Token pilot. You can become part of the Community Token Pilot by filling in this form.

What started as a simple meetup in Amsterdam has grown to a series of events with an active community of knowledgeable and proactive individuals from many different paths of life all bonded by blockchain and the related values.
These same values of decentralization, transparency, and collaboration that make blockchain unique are also the building blocks of the BCT community.

“Blockchain Talks hosts community-driven blockchain events to share knowledge, to create meaningful relationships, and together explore the potential of blockchain”​- Luuk, Communications Node

Over the past 18 months, Blockchain Talks hosted 26 events and 100+ speakers coming from all over the world with over 1000+ unique visitors with an aim to help the blockchain industry develop. But we want to do more than just talking about blockchain, we want to put blockchain and the related values to the test. There’s only one way of figuring out the true value of blockchain and that’s by utilizing it! This is one of the reasons why we use GUTS’ blockchain-powered ticketing service, which allows for transparent ticketing and why we have conducted multiple community questionnaires.

Although the Blockchain Talks community has grown stronger over time (with over 350 members) there still seems to be a pretty big gap between organizers and attendees. This gap could potentially lead to issues, as the ecosystem heavily relies on the organizing parties to host events and stimulate community interaction. There is not enough co-creation and co-ownership in the Blockchain Talks ecosystem yet and until the moment that this is fixed, it’s only a series of Conferences & Meetups.

Blockchain Talks aims to be an ecosystem where knowledge sharing, co-creation, and social interaction is stimulated. In order to help the ecosystem grow and become more resilient, we are actively taking steps to make Blockchain Talks more transparent, decentralized and inclusive!

$BCT Community Token

The first step towards the BCT ecosystem is the creation of the Blockchain Talks Community Token denoted as $BCT, which will be powered by Khana. The community token will be used to increase the feeling of integrity and incentivize active involvement in the BCT ecosystem. Besides, interacting with a community token is a fun and hands-on crypto exercise that promotes day to day crypto use and hopefully sparks co-creation.

During the pilot phase, the $BCT community token promotes co-creation of the BCT events, allows you to purchase tickets for BCT events and to earn special perks.

The pilot will run for 2 months and during this time we hope to experiment and further tweak the $BCT Community Token. The $BCT tokens will run on Rinkeby testnet and the token economy model will be constrained. Along the way, we will gradually expand on the use of the $BCT token and transition to mainnet.

All Blockchain Talks Community members, Blockchain Enthusiast, and Curious Individuals and are invited to participate in the Community Token pilot. Please fill in the sign-up form here or join the Discord and scroll around

We’re very excited about the Community Token pilot and curious about how it will play out. If you want to keep up to date with the latest developments around the pilot you can follow Blockchain Talks on Medium (while you’re at it please leave some claps for this article). Together we can make a more inclusive, decentralized and valuable ecosystem. We’re all BCT!

If you want to speak at BCT or become a sponsor please reach out to

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Luuk Weber
Blockchain Talks

🤖 • Catalyst of CuraDAO • Investment Associate at Cyber Capital