Improving your experience with simplified trading limits

Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2022


Today we’ve introduced a series of improvements that will enable you to trade more without sacrificing security.

Trading limits provide an important protection against financial loss from errors and fraud as they put guardrails around the amount and frequency in which funds can be moved. That said, having too many limits can be confusing and not having clear guidelines on when a limit has been hit or what to do about it can be a frustrating experience.

Our aim with these improvements is to simplify and provide greater transparency on trading limits. The result is a significantly better experience across products.

Simplifying Trading Limits

Traditionally, has had many different limits across:

  • Activities: Buying, depositing, withdrawing, swapping
  • Timeframes: Daily, weekly, annual
  • Products: Wallet, Exchange

We’re simplifying things by removing as many limits as possible while continuing to provide necessary protections.

To do this, we’ve split activities into two types:

  1. Internal Activities: These happen within Examples include swapping using your Trading Account, buying from your Cash Account, and selling to your Cash Account.
  2. Cross Border Activities: These happen when sending funds in or out of Examples include buying with a credit card, depositing from a bank account, and withdrawing to an external wallet or account.

Since Internal Activities never leave, the risks are far lower and we have greater ability to fix problems when they arise. As such, we’ve removed all limits on these transactions.

Since Cross Border Activities result in sending funds in or out of and involve a third party, the chance of error or fraud is higher. To keep everyone safe, we still apply limits for these transactions, however we’ve removed weekly and annual limits for Gold Level users, leaving just daily limits. Furthermore, we’ve increased these limits significantly and have made them consistent across the Wallet and Exchange.

Increasing Transparency

Beyond simplifying limits, we’ve made improvements to provide greater visibility and transparency. This includes providing support articles detailing limits as well as in-product guidance on when you’ve hit a limit and what actions you can take to unlock higher limits.

Our Commitment

Our mission is to empower you to own your financial future. We’ll continue to make improvements like these to make both the easiest and safest place to buy, sell, and trade crypto.


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