We’ve reached two million wallets!

Published in
1 min readAug 11, 2014

On Sunday, August 10, around 3PM ET we surpassed two million wallets for our bitcoin wallet service.

This is a major milestone for us and the bitcoin community as whole — bitcoin adoption is growing, faster than ever before!

It was only seven months ago, in January, when we surpassed the one million wallet mark, after an amazing year of growth in 2013.

Today we stand strong, as the first bitcoin company with over 2 million wallet users. With each new Blockchain wallet created, this is a step forward for us and a step forward for bitcoin.

July was an eventful month for us; our new Android wallet launched during The North American Bitcoin Conference in Chicago and we made our glorious return to iOS!

Bringing back our service for iPhone users was a pivotal moment — tens of thousands of new wallets were created during the week of our iOS re-launch.

Both of these apps include a built-in merchant directory, which allows users to discover what businesses are accepting bitcoin near them. Our goal with the merchant directory was to encourage bitcoin use and make it easy for users to find bitcoin-accepting businesses locally.

These new apps embody our vision for bitcoin — to make using it a simple, secure and intuitive experience.

Originally published at https://blockchain-blog.ghost.io on August 11, 2014.




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