Why we founded a Blockchain Tech Agency

Nikola Sologub
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2018

After a couple of years of awareness, I finally found a good resource to learn what blockchain really is. And more important, what it can be in the future.

Yes, there are numerous YouTube videos on cryptocurrency, distributed ledger, trading, mining, blockchain… But you know what, none of them did explain to me why is it so revolutionary.

Then, I decided to dig dipper, to read Bitcoin white paper, and to find a reliable learning source, which was edX course by Linux Foundation. And here’s there story (if you’re aware of it, you can skip to the next chapter):

Background — The Rising Interest in Distributed Ledger Technologies

Looking back to the last half century of computer technologies and architectures, one may observe a trend of fluctuation between the centralization and subsequent decentralization of computing power, storage, infrastructure, protocols, and code.

Mainframe computers are largely centralized. They typically house all computing power, memory, data storage, and code. Access to mainframes is mainly by ‘dumb terminals’, which only take inputs and outputs, and do not store or process data.

With the advent of personal computers and private networks, similar computational capabilities were now housed both on the clients, as well as the servers. This, in part, gave rise to the ‘client-server’ architecture, which supported the development of relational database systems. Massive data sets, which are housed on mainframes, could move onto a distributed architecture. This data could replicate from server to server, and subsets of the data could be accessed and processed on clients, and then, synced back to the server.

Over time, Internet and cloud computing architectures enabled global access from a variety of computing devices; whereas mainframes were largely designed to address the needs of large corporations and governments. Even though this ‘cloud architecture’ is decentralized in terms of hardware, it has given rise to application-level centralization (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc).

Currently, we are witnessing the transition from centralized computing, storage, and processing to decentralized architectures and systems. According to Muneeb Ali, these systems aim to

“give explicit control of digital assets to end-users and remove the need to trust any third-party servers and infrastructure”.

Distributed ledger technology is one of the key innovations making this shift possible.

I was hooked

When I realized how significant it is, and what’s the potential, I instantly remembered all those good moments when I made decisions about choosing the career path. For me, it was as brilliant as I felt once I experienced dial-up internet connection for the first time, did the first line of code a couple of years after, or launched social media marketing for brands.

For a technocrat, participating in a new technology revolution is an irresistible call to action.

So, I shared a common experience with many obsessed technology fanatics. Days were passing by, and I got more and more questions. Each time I found an answer, I got three new questions. And it continued for months.

Blockchain experts

There is a dozen of experts around. And some of them are outstanding. Some are really good. I’d like to emphasize a more traditional claim — for building an expertise, you need at least 10.000 hours. With young technology, it is obviously hard to find true experts with that amount of time invested. Beware of self-claimed experts.

How to build an expertise is now a chicken & egg problem. It’s always hard to get a momentum. Once you’re in you’ll start putting the pieces together yourself. Good courses emerge, some communities are established, the code itself is getting more clean and documented and premises better-explained.

Demand for blockchain experience

Yes, the demand is huge, and supply is oversaturated with suspicious expertise level. So how does someone choose a good engineer in this environment?

On the other hand, there are good engineers available, and some struggle to find good clients. The market is still unregulated, and people have heard of new gold rush and easy money, so some want to raise an ICO, get rich and get it fast.

This results in a lack of quality and understanding. It’s a different story…Bottom line is, mentioned good engineers are often not so good in understanding the business and leading the clients and projects, and that is fine. A different skill set is needed to bridge the gap.

To make it more complex, blockchain projects are multidisciplinary and involve multiple parties.

In our journey, we experienced a significant number of projects without a real need for blockchain, or with good potential. Some guidance and collaboration are often needed before getting hands dirty.


We’re getting to the point now. As a natural born service business builder, experienced in tech and digital marketing, I decided to pitch to my business partner. I won the approval and we launched it.

You can call it a development company, studio, or agency, IT outsourcing, tech boutique... The point is, we are building a business designed to support our clients in implementing blockchain solutions.

We’re now working together on promoting the blockchain technology, involving more business partners, finding clients, building expertise, experience and expanding tech team.

So far, we have progressed with Hyperledger, Stellar, and Ethereum. We scratched the surface of financial transactions improvements, matchmaking for the micro-gig economy, supply chain, advertising, energy distribution, construction industry and free education.

In an MVP manner, here’s our website: www.blockchain247.tech. There will be some important announcements in the future.

Your blockchain story

What’s your journey? What’s your major challenge now? Can we help each other? Drop us a line, get in touch and let’s discuss.



Nikola Sologub

Tech Entrepreneur. Product Owner / Project Manager. Corporate Innovation Management. HR Transformation. Blockchain.