What is a Blockchain chip & How Does It Work?

Rashmeet Kaur
Blockchain Council
4 min readMar 7, 2022


Are you a blockchain enthusiast? Do you want to know everything about it and become a blockchain expert? This blog will help you understand what a blockchain chip is and how it works. So. let’s begin:

What is a Blockchain chip & How Does It Work?

A Beginner’s Guide on Blockchain

In simple words, blockchain is a peer-to-peer decentralized ledger technology that records the transaction of a digital asset without the involvement of any third party. The process majorly reduces the frauds and risks in a very scalable way. This revolutionary and rising technology is attracting a lot of attention day after day.

Basically, a decentralized network offers various benefits over a traditional centralized network. Besides, increased privacy and reliability, there are also zero chances of failure of a digital transaction. Taking up extensive training on blockchain will give you a detailed idea of the P2P architecture of this technology. Looking for an advanced blockchain certification center? It is just a click away!

Bitcoin & Blockchain: What is the Link Between Them?

Although Blockchain has become the buzzword and has taken the entire globe by storm, many people are still there who don’t understand the difference between a Bitcoin and a Blockchain. If you are one of them, this blog will clear all your confusion.

In short, Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and an application of Blockchain technology, whereas Blockchain is the underlying technology behind Bitcoin. Since this technology involves no third party, all you need is a Blockchain wallet to perform the transactions. This digital wallet allows the users to spend cryptocurrencies (coins) like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, etc.

The Process of Mining Crypto-Coins

Mining cryptocurrency refers to the process of creating new coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. Along with generating new cryptos, the mining process also confirms new transactions on the Blockchain network.

The procedure of generating new units of Bitcoins and other cryptos is quite complicated because it requires huge electricity, a massive computing system, and expensive software work. But most importantly, it requires the expertise of a certified blockchain engineer. With the rising popularity of more and more crypto coins, there is a high demand for a well-skilled, qualified blockchain developer. So if you want to grab this lucrative career opportunity, taking up an advanced course must be your priority.

The World’s First Blockchain IoT Chip

In 2018, Skynet Network announced its initiative to launch Skynet Core, a RISC-V blockchain chip to resolve the functionality of the IoT (Internet of Things) and the Blockchain adoption. The project aimed to create a real-time Blockchain infrastructure by deploying billions of free Blockchain chip licenses to devices all around the globe.

The Working Mechanism Of The Risc-V Blockchain Chip

Skynet Core is a license-free Blockchain Chip that can replace an existing CPU. It comes with an embedded crypto wallet that has secure memory, RSA encryption, and CC EAL6+. The crypto wallet aims at letting smartphones and other wearable devices store crypto coins just like coins are stored on the Blockchain ledger. Enrolling in a blockchain development certification will help you gain more knowledge on how to use a blockchain chip on your device efficiently.

AntChain’s T1: the First Self-Developed Blockchain Security Chip

In October 2021, AntChain officially released the T1, the world’s first self-developed Blockchain chip. T1 is equipped with high-performance, RISC-V-based, Xuatie series processors. This security chip is basically used in IoT devices. It helps to establish a secure execution environment by resisting hardware and software attacks and enhancing system security.

Intel Corp’s New Blockchain Chip

In February 2022, Intel Corp also joined the crypto boom by launching its new Blockchain chip. This energy-efficient chip will ship later this year and the designing agency Nvidia Corp has claimed that this energy-efficient chip aims to speed up the blockchain chores that require high computing power and consume a lot of energy. As Blockchain developer always look for sustainable and scalable solutions, Intel came up with the most energy-efficient computing technology.

The Final Thought

Certainly, blockchain has the potential to enable everyone to own the digital services and content they create. The technology has been revamping the way the world stores, processes, and transacts its digital assets as we are getting ready for the era of metaverse and web 3.0. No matter, how the future evolves, the demand for a certified, well-skilled, blockchain engineer will rise in the upcoming days. To learn more about a lucrative career opportunity in this field, check out the website of Blockchain Council.



Rashmeet Kaur
Blockchain Council

Result-oriented Technology expert with good experience in education & technology roles.