100 days of blockchain code: learn and earn

Akshay Aggarwal
Blockchained India
Published in
7 min readMar 10, 2021

Helloooo there! Simply wow! What a week has it been for everyone in Indian crypto ecosystem. Like many of you, listening to the announcement about a calibrated window for cryptocurrencies, we are all in high spirits right now at Blockchained India and Blocumen Studios as we recently completed the 2nd cohort of our 100 Days of Code! Yay🎉!! With our covid experiment, first 100 days of code being a hit, we were motivated and pushed to come up with the second cycle of our program, and thus started with it in October!

We chose 38 participants (from across the globe I’d say, as we had people joining in from London, Australia and UAE too😛) who hustled for 100 days straight along with their daily jobs. Let me stop here for a second as the words “along with their daily jobs” might have ringed the bells in some of you lol, so yes my friend, you heard it right! With our program, you need to dedicate JUST 1-hour daily and you are ready to rock as a blockchain developer! Interesting, isn’t it?🕺

So these participants had their demo day at the end of January, where they showcased their products to the judges from around the world! 🔥 We had judges from IBM, Draper University, Open Application Network and Blocumen Studios (yours truly!😎). These participants collectively bagged 35,000 USD from OAN and Tim Draper’s Draper University as equity free grants! Amazing, right! ✨

The program started with a talk by Daniela Quintero, where she briefed about Tim Draper’s fellowship program at Draper University. It was succeeded by a session explaining the current state of Indian landscape and various trends on which offerings can be built in India.

In case you’re wondering, yes I am writing this to share about the incredible startups from participants of our previous cohort. So without any further ado let me present to you all, the wonderful newborn startups that came out of the initiative-

1. Common Batwa

Have you ever thought of using your jet airways loyalty points in combination with reward points from American express to buy that nice looking accessory on flipkart? Common Batwa enables you to do that and also allows you to freely move the gift card balance between different e-Commerce sites. For example- Amazon Pay Balance to Flipkart and vice versa.

2. InsurOANce

InsurOANce is a flight insurance product that lets customers insure their flight directly with the OAN smart contract. Customers can pay for their flight insurance with Aions amongst other digital currencies. Several millions are left unclaimed by passengers whose flights are delayed or cancelled, with this product these claims can be converted to potentially a 100%. This makes the process seamless and cost efficient.


Feedblock focuses on bringing genuine/verified reviews to the people. For instance, Zomato is a platform where you can order from and review restaurants but they are not subjected to any verification. So this extension focuses on collecting authentic reviews along with a proof (bill of the order) using which the genuineness of the review and the reviewer is established. The app is also aimed to be a platform for food bloggers and critics to share honest opinions and gain rewards.

4. RentalChain

RentalChain aims to solve the current issues in the home and hotel renting process and further enhance the user experience by adding trust and transparency in the overall process.

5. S-Pay

Smart payment wallet, also known as S-Pay, aims to provide the best price available for the given product on existing online marketplaces. The Automatic Payment Feature will take care of the right timing and extend payment against goods when prices are low, based on a pre-set price range chosen by the user. It shall definitely help in bagging those limited number of diwali deals on flipkart even if you are not virtually present on the platform.

6. Notify

Notify is an open application which allows services to send notifications to account holders of platforms. Most push notifications are centralised and require association of device ids to usernames (for example: Facebook knows you have signed in because they have a server monitoring that). This problem is solved by Notify as it allows users to be in direct control of what services they get notification from. It imposes rules on the services including spam protection for users, limiting their ability to add accounts as subscribers, etc.

7. PayIt

Imagine shopping on your e-commerce site and seeing those huge offers on specific credit cards and wallets, but unfortunately you don’t own it. So PayIt is a blockchain based extension that will help you use cards, wallets and rewards you don’t have and earn rewards using them.

8. ShopLyft

ShopLyft strives to establish a benchmark and the much needed quality for online shopping experience. Using ShopLyft, consumers can share feedback transparently on an e-commerce platform to be used across its various competitor marketplaces. These feedbacks will be made available to any participating partners and shoppers for the purpose of improving the above mentioned experience through better purchasing decisions.

9. Transfer of Tickets

Transfer of Ticket is an idea in which we can transfer or put a ticket on sale for someone who is looking for a ticket at the last minute. With this app, we don’t need to worry about the last minute change in plans as we can sell our ticket to anyone in need! The buyer can pay a little higher price and that amount will help the ticket transfer to evolve. Works for airlines or cricket stadiums alike, doesn’t it?!

10. Cognitio

Cognitio is an extension to community knowledge platforms like Github, StackOverflow, Medium, etc., wherein the knowledge provider can earn crypto as rewards through the appreciation mechanisms in the platform — like Claps on Medium, Upvotes on StackOverflow. The user simply has to register by downloading the extension and providing their usernames.

11. Lender-Borrower

Lender- Borrower provides analysis about lender, borrower and P2P Platform. Based on the analysis, customers can choose a destination to borrow or to invest Money.

Weren’t all these ideas exciting? I think my personal satisfaction comes from the India context to all these ideas. I see micropayments being such a huge hit in India and with that microinteraction being directed towards improving the overall value of digital products and service experiences, I believe that we shall make the promise of blockchain even more real. (That thought is what keeps me up at night!)

Well well well, if you contact our judges, the first thing they would talk about is the hard time they had in choosing winners. What about you? Want to know who won? 👀 Well I was thinking of revealing it in the next article. What say? 🤔
Haha. I was just fooling around. 😜 Drum roll…

So, Common Batwa by Ahmed Gaziyani and Mohammed Abrar Neeman won the first prize. They won 5000$ worth Aions along with the scholarship program worth 3.6 lakhs at Draper University for their Hero program.

The second prize was bagged by InsurOANce, team of Dr. Soodamani Ramalingam and Rakesh Raushan which was followed by FeedBlock, by Divya Singal and Taha Pathan. Both the teams won 2500$ worth Aions along with 3.6 lakhs of scholarship at Draper University.

Not only that, they all won $12000 each of IBM Cloud Credits!

Last but not the least, two other ideas namely, RentalChain by Juhi, Onkar and Muneer, and S-Pay by Vishal have also bagged the Draper University’s scholarship program worth 5000$!

Overall, everyone in the program has really worked their fingers to the bones, and have come up with the ideas that will definitely create a huge impact once they are out in the market. I am really excited for it, are you too?

What’s next, you ask?

ATTENTION READER!⚠️ We have an announcement to make! Wanna know? Read Read Read…

DeFi aka Decentralized Finance became #buzzword of the year, as most of the applications coming up lately are revolving around it. And we love to add fuel to the fire of innovation. So this time we are organizing our latest cohort in collaboration with Zilliqa, where we will help you buidl Dapps on Zilliqa blockchain and go after the DeFi dream. Catch all this and more at our recent most evolution DeFi Studios.

If you too want to be a part of DeFi Studios and become an A-class blockchain developer, do enroll for our next cycle of 100 days of code!

