BEN Joins the Celo Alliance for Prosperity

The BEN Team
Blockchain Education Network
3 min readMay 6, 2020

The Blockchain Education Network (BEN) is proud to join the Cello Alliance for Prosperity. The Alliance aims to further the mission of financial inclusion and prosperity through Celo’s blockchain technology.

BEN provides educational resources and opportunities for students across the world. As a new member of the Alliance, BEN will aid in educating newcomers to the Celo platform and training developers to build the next generation of inclusive financial applications.

The Celo Alliance for Prosperity was launched in March 2020 by the Celo Foundation with members like Andreessen Horowitz, Coinbase Ventures, Abra, Alice, BC4NB (Blockchain for the Next Billion), Bison Trails, Blockchain Academy Mexico,, Blockchain for Humanity (b4h), Blockchain for Social Impact (BSIC), cLabs, Gitcoin, GiveDirectly, The Giving Block, and more!

BEN is just one of 20 new members, including Ankr, Althea, Bitfy, Centrifuge, Dove Wallet, Dunia Pay, Grin, Hex Trust, LatAmTech, Mobike, MyCash Online, Netki, Ontology, Paxful, Peixe, Positive Blockchain, Ribon, Transak, and United Africa Blockchain Association.

The Alliance has completed some amazing initiatives thus far, like donating a portion of Celo block rewards to planting trees or running a microwork pilot in Kenya.

Erick Pinos, President of BEN, said “Celo has stood out to me since my MIT days. A fellow MIT student and MIT Bitcoin Club member was an early contributor to Celo and I’m glad to see how far the project has come. I’m even more glad to be able to join this Alliance to help foster social impact and financial inclusivity across the world. Blockchain needs to be accessible to everyone.”

BEN will be kicking off it’s contribution to the Alliance by hosting online Celo workshops and adding Celo lessons and tutorials to its’ curriculum taught by university blockchain clubs around the world.

About BEN

BEN is a global network of blockchain clubs, students, professors, and alumni. BEN provides blockchain educational resources, free and discounted conference tickets, jobs and internship opportunities, and an online and offline community for all its members. BEN has over 2,350 students who have gone through the program across 1,000 universities in over 96 countries. BEN’s team is spread across the USA, Canada, Australia, Italy, India, Dubai, Colombia, Vietnam, and more. To gain access to all of BEN’s lessons, tutorials, activities, resources, and opportunities, go to

About Celo

Celo’s aim is to empower anyone with a smartphone anywhere in the world to have access to financial services, send money to phone numbers, and pay merchants — on a decentralized platform that is operated by a community of users. To achieve this, Celo is a complete stack of new blockchain software, core libraries that run on that blockchain, and end user applications including a Wallet app that communicate with that logic.

About the Alliance for Prosperity

The Alliance for Prosperity is a mission-aligned network of organizations, including leading technology providers, nonprofits, mobile wallets, payment processors, and global investment firms, working towards a more inclusive global financial system and fostering social impact and financial inclusion through the use of blockchain technology.

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The BEN Team
Blockchain Education Network

The Blockchain Education Network (BEN) educates and empowers the students of #GenerationBlockchain