Blockchain Madness: Team Laurier’s Origin Story

Blockchain Education Network
2 min readApr 1, 2016

By: Kevin Robson — Team Laurirer

The Laurier Bitcoin Club has worked closely with Michael Gord throughout it’s existence. When he announced to our group that there was an opportunity for us to compete in Blockchain Madness, we could barely contain our excitement. It provided a medium for us to demonstrate our knowledge of the landscape, history and intricacies that surround the Blockchain and Bitcoin. Granted, the opportunity to compete against both new and old friends across Canadian Universities also provided a fun challenge and undeniable competitive joy.

Throughout the weeks leading up to Blockchain Madness, we were in constant contact with Michael Gord. We wanted to know all about the scavenger hunt aspect of the competition, and what we could do as a community to help our chances in the competition. We promoted Purse at Laurier by speaking with students on campus, and at off-campus events. In addition, we held multiple meetings with the Executive of the Laurier Bitcoin Club in order to assure that our knowledge was second to none, and we would not be surprised by any question during the competition.

Laurier’s Bitcoin Club is ready to win Blockchain Madness! Michael Gord’s dedication to all things Bitcoin and his infectious enthusiasm were paramount in engaging our campus’ club and ensuring our complete participation in the Madness.

