How Blockchain Education Network Transforms Blockchain Clubs

Ata Tekeli
2 min readOct 17, 2020


I’m a member of the Istanbul University Blockchain Technology Club and the only way is forward.

Before I delve deep into how the Blockchain Education network transformed my student club, they helped our contribution as a whole when it comes to content and regional teams possible. Here, we’ll outline how Blockchain Education Network transforms student clubs.

1-They made it easier to join and participate

Before a couple of months ago, you had to have a blockchain club to participate in. But now, even an individual could join and participate as soon as they’ve filled out the application forms to work on blockchain. But, it can take time and as soon as you joined, you can take part in WhatsApp and discord groups with your real name.

2-Regional groups would help more than individuals

Even though it’s an option, for now, you can’t really contribute as an individual if you didn’t have a group before a couple of months. But to make individuals contribute more to the network, you have the right to contribute to the content and join multiple teams at the whole group to potentially maximize your involvement. In my example, I’m at a local organization called BEN Turkey, and I also involve in tech and content teams on an international scale. You only have to tell your interest and they’ll hop you in. To make a contribution open-source, they’ve opened a wiki to make the contributions open source as long as you have an account, anybody can write but, you have to be chosen as editors in the whole network to keep the content integrity. Other than that, you can write, submit, and potentially publish your work on the site as the time passes if you’ve been chosen as the editor.

How do you view the Blockchain Education Network? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments sections below if you’ve participated in Blockchain Education Network.

About Ata Tekeli: I’m a coordinator in BEN Turkey responsible for the Technology and R&D department. I’m also the founding vice president and editor at the Istanbul University Blockchain Technology Club. My main interests are blockchain R&D, mathematics, and statistics.



Ata Tekeli

Blockchain, blogging, statistics, mathematics and R&D.